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A long time ago, there was a family called Watsons. There was a husband and wife. Together they had a daugher and a baby son. The girl was called Charlie Watson and she had a baby brother named Otis. Their parents were proud to have kids. Many families think that a family is complete when you had a daughter and a son. It doesn't matter. 

The Watsons lived in Vallejo town that was located in California. They were a happy family. When Charlie was a little girl, she wanted a sister. When her little brother, Otis, was born, she wasn't quite happy. It's pretty normal for little kids. Charlie's parents decided to adopt a girl around Charlie's age and they went to adoption center, where there were many kids, waiting to get adopted. There they met a little girl named Y/N L/N. Her parents died in a accident and no other family members wanted to take her in so she was dropped off at the adoption center. Charlie's parents fell immediatly in love with Y/N. I mean, who doesn't? She had big cute E/C and beautiful H/C hair.

Y/N was a shy toddler and didn't spoke much. She was also very behaved. Once Charlie's parents get to know Y/N, the shy kid felt comforable. Once Charlie's parents asked her if she wanted to get adopted with a smile, Y/N yelled yes in happiness! 

When Charlie found out that she's gonna have a adopted sister, she was very excited! She was happy! She immediatly bonded with Y/N and even gave her a tour around the house. Charlie thanked her parents non-stop. 

Charlie's parents watched their kids grew up. Y/N's last name changed to Watson since she belongs to them now. Charlie and Y/N both took interest in being mechanics. Charlie's dad, who's also Y/N's adopted dad, would teach them everyday for like 2 hours. Charlie took diving lessons and she became very good at it! Even on swimming! Charlie won many medals thanks to that. Charlie's dad and Y/N were extremely proud ones, because they were the ones that were close to her. Charlie's mom was proud too while Otis didn't understood at the time since he was small. 

Years later, something sad happened. Charlie's dad... died of an heart attack. It happened all suddenly while Charlie and Y/N were helping him in the garage. At the hospital, the doctors told the sad news that he died. Everyone were crying. They hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to him, well, they did at his funural. Ever since then Charlie changed. She stopped diving. She was depressed for an long time, but Y/N kept her going. Charlie was very thankful to Y/N in her life and by her side. Sadly, Charlie's mom moved on and got herself a new boyfriend named Ron. Otis accepted him in his life, but Charlie and Y/N... They didn't. They weren't fond of Ron. They wanted their dad back. Charlie's dad. 

Recently Charlie began working. That wasn't the only one. She was also getting bullied by some kids around her age. Y/N didn't like that she wanted to slap them in their faces. Let's just say that she was quite strong. Y/N began working at Hank's garage. She was a very good mechanic thanks to her adopted dad. Hank was amazed by her skills. 

Charlie's 18th birthday was coming up and she wanted a car. She asked her mom and Ron about it, but sadly, they can be not understanding sometimes. They refused. Y/N was angry at her adopted mom and Ron that she decided to make Charlie's wish come true. She brought an old yellow Volkswagen. 

But what Charlie and Y/N didn't knew was that it wasn't a car. It was a robot from another planet named Cybertron. The robot and Y/n would fall in love while Charlie will become the robot's best friend. Can the girls protect the yellow robot from the world together with Memo?

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