19 - Howls in the Wind

Start from the beginning

"How do I know if this isn't one of your other tricks? You did it with me and my sister before, and with this stupid Spirit in the first place, so how do I know that you're telling the truth?"

Hans seemed to of predicted this type of response and immediately rushed out his words. "Because! Why... why would I lie about this? We- including me- are all going to be consumed by this thing and become one of its ghouls if we do not stop it! I may be stupid, but I am not that thick skulled." 

Anna shivered and took a shaky breath in and out. He was right. She was going to have to believe him if they were going to have to make it out of here.

"The words that I heard your great-grandfather recite, they-"

"LOOK OUT!" A purple creature reached for their heads, with Honeymaren growling and chasing it, her ice spear merely inches from piercing it. Hans hissed and grabbed Anna down with him. They crouched down on the ground, immediately turning their heads to spot more creatures heading their way. 

"Don't touch me, and just get behind me" Anna stated, pulling out the ice sword that Elsa graciously gave her. 

Hans complied, hiding the shaking of his body by moving his arms as if he were stretching them. He peaked over Anna's shoulder and his eyes widened. 

"You can't take on 3 of them. Not even if I helped you."

"I can when I have her." Anna stated with a sly grin, seeing Honeymaren coming back to the main fight. The rest of their party was occupied, but it always seemed that that Northuldran girl was always there to help, no matter where she was.

"Anna! Let's stand back to back! We got work to do!" The tan girl yelled out, her shorter legs striding out like a race horse to get to her position. She then noticed Hans and stared at him blankly. She had heard stories about the harm that man had done to the Arendelle sisters.

"You... go hide in the corner. You're clearly in no condition to fight." Maren growled. Nodding her head to the side in an inviting motion. Hans took the invitation and immediately took hiding near Kristoff, who was still knocked unconscious.

The two girls then paired up and took their stances.

 A ghoul went to swipe at Honeymaren's face, and the girl immediately reacted. The brunette walked forward, taking a step, and blocked its claws using the tip of her spear, and then stood back and spun in a 360 degree angle, ending up in the same position that she started in, but this time her spear was repositioned. She sliced the ghoul in half, the purple creature letting out an ear-piercing noise that could only be described as agony. It then evaporated into the air as mere mist. She saw the lost souls escape the monsters and seep back into the Sixth Spirit. It was almost as if it was storing peoples souls to use.

Anna had two going at her, so she tagged team with Maren and aimed for the one on the left. With one large swing and a slide on the floor underneath it, the left creature was destroyed and seeping back into the ground, defeated. The redhead then ran towards Maren, who was a few long metres away from her. The tan girl grabbed Anna's wrists and spun her around in the air. Anna's boot slammed into the face of the other purple creature, sending it flying into a wall.

To finish the ghoul off, Honeymaren picked up a nearby shard of glass that was shaped perfectly like a spear tip, and threw it directly at the creature's head. It slumped down and bursted into its dead gas.

Anna sighed out of relief and glanced over to see that Mattias and his men were holding off their creatures adequately on the other side of the room, near the entrance door, and wouldn't need assistance unless more creatures doubled up on them. However, when she looked at Elsa, who was opposite them, she got a bit concerned.

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