2 - (Un)wanted Feelings

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A/n, just a filler chapter cause Christmas is tomorrow for me. If I don't update tomorrow, then Merry Christmas lovely babies, I love you all xx

Elsa was coming to a strange conclusion that she was feeling something towards Honeymaren. She didn't really know exactly what it was either, and she had never thought about it directly before.

Having being there for around five to six months now, all she did was really talk to Honeymaren, help out villagers, or talk to.... Honeymaren. The brunette really was her first true best friend, apart from family.

When she first met the Northuldra people and Honeymaren in general, she felt a connection with everyone and everything in the place. However her connection with a particular brunette grew and she began questioning how it even happened, as she thought she could only have that type of connection with someone like her sister, Anna.

Elsa ended up brushing it off as her just enjoying how welcoming the girl was. Every time their eyes locked Honeymaren would smile softly at her with warmth in her chocolate brown eyes that glowed in the sunlight. That made her subtle dimples only shine and stand out more.

The blonde snapped out of her thoughts and sighed to herself, realising she still needed to write down in her journal that she had retrieved from the lake.

Elsa was still sitting at the very beach that her and Honeymaren were cuddled up in merely hours prior, except she was at the very edge near the tree line. Unfortunately, Honeymaren had to do some amends related to the reindeer with her brother Ryder earlier in the day, leaving Elsa alone with the spirits.

In the distance there were young children playing in the water, squealing. It made Elsa chuckle at the cuteness of their smiles and the mischievous ways of Gale, the wind spirit.

The children were no older than ten, their different coloured eyes filled with that childhood innocence that Elsa hadn't seen in years, not even in Arendelle recently. All the adolescents here were so care free and 'not-proper', to put it more bluntly. Not that the fifth spirit didn't mind, it was a nice change. She didn't have to be so formal all the time anymore.

Gale's red and orange leaf trail did spirals around the small group of children as Elsa began to write down things in her journal. She added a fancy title above and underlined it before starting however, writing the word, 'EMOTIONS?'

She was going to try to split her different emotions into categories and decipher whether or not she was going crazy and just plainly overthinking.

The blonde must've been distracted as she began writing down her experience about The Enchanted Forest, deciphering different emotions to different groups, as she didn't hear a giggly yell come from directly above her braided head.

A huge thud could be heard, as a few bushes and even trees around Elsa shook and were covered in light frost. It frightened her as she immediately dropped the carefully crafted book.

Above her head, stuck on top of a thick branch was a little girl. She was giggling uncontrollably, leaves and sticks stuck all throughout her thick and bushy hair. Her skin was a light brown, accompanied by a toothy smile and dirt covered freckles. It almost reminded Elsa of Honeymaren.

The girl would've had to of been no older than six, her small structure and frame being a dead giveaway.

"Hi spirit lady!" The little girl said, directing to Elsa.

Elsa smiled softly at her, wiggling her fingers on her right hand in the girls direction, doing a cute wave. "Hey there little one! What's your name?"

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