ch.13 The eden Island

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After the long dangerous trip finally they reach the Eden Islands. When they were about to enter the island they sawa big opening of a cave near the island and they felt a little suspicious about the cave and so they took a boat to enter the cave.

Mino pov .

We all got on a big boat with the weapons and went inside the cave only to meet with a huge crowd of pirates.

Mino... Shit wat are we gonna do?
Jackson... Those guys wont hurt us. But we got to be very quite....

Jk..... Its so foggy in here.... [ haaaaachoooooo]
Yungeyom... Wow way to go bro. Now were trapped becoz of your sneeze.
Jk.. Sorry😅.. ( embarrassing smile)

Lay... Guys watch out... (Lay couldn't complete his sentence because all the pirates surrounded them)

Scoup... Well...well. Welll... Who do we have here?

Kris... Yahhh were here for our lovers. Were are they.

Scoup... They are with our pirate crew. Yeah... A very specially trained pirates.. Hahahaha

Kai.... Wat the.... Dont they dare touch them. I will rip they're throats off

S.coup.. Chilll hott head..... No one loves these skinny and useless prince of yours. They are just slaves here... Wanna see them work hard...

All the kings were dragged to a big arena and they were encountered with the one and only the pirate king...


MINO... You monster were is Lin... Tell me right now...
Vernon.. Woahhhh..woahhh. Just be cool cous.... Your queen is no more yours she is only mine.. And you know wat last night was like so much funn

Mino.. You low life and useless piece off shit... How can you do that to her... She was fucking PREGNANT..........Mino was yelling at him...

Vernon... Ohhh yahh i all most forgot yup i killed you baby last night. And also your queen is becoming a pirate queen tonight in front of your eyes.

Yoongi... You monster how could you.......yoongi yelled and broke down

Lay.. I'll kill u .... I will FUCKING KILL YOU... you hurt my sister you will die in my hands ... Lay was yelling and crying...

All the other kings were broken and also the jackson family..

Jk.. Guys please dont cry...... We need to stay strong.. Please for our emperess and also for our future queens..

Yungyeom... I know you all are hurt right now. But i am with jk.. Let's kick their asses and we will win and take wats ours...

Jogin... Yes i... Am in and i want my kyungiiee back..

Kris.. Yes ... My baby panda is trusting me..

Lay... Uhmm my dear bunny is there waiting for me too.

Yoongi.. Yes even my mochi....

Jk... My bear

Mino... My darling we are here just wait a little for me. Dont loose hope.

On the other side with Lin and the prince's.


I was lying in the cold surface and was thinking about mino... I really miss him.. And i need him in my arms now... 'I miss you mino'... Come back to me....

Lin.. Why do i feel so strange? I feel mino here but how and why?
While i was thinking all the princes were thrown inside my room. And i went and hugged them..

Lin.. I missed you alll😭😭😭😭
Junmyeon.. Dont cry my baby.. Its not good for... Was cut off by

Jimin... Lin why are you looking weak
Lin was silent for a while.....

Kyungsoo... Tell us dear wat happened too you...

Lin... I...i ...😭😭😭😭 killed the baby.....

Tae... Wat.... No your lying... I know you are not like that... Tell us the truth taehyung yelled.

Tao.. Tae dont yell at your noona like that.. Now Lin tell us the truth... Please baby you need to tell us honey...

Lin told them wat happened with her and Vernon. And also the way she felt mino a few minutes before....

Junmyeon..I'll kill that fucking bastard.. How could he do that to my baby...

Jimin... Count me in... I will smach everybones of his body..

Tae... I will take all his organs and feed it to animals...

Kyungsoo.. I will make him suffer the same way our baby suffered...

Tao.. Guys please you sound like you are working for mafia gang....

Luhann.. Guyss be quite i here something....

All... Wat is it?............

Hey people i know this is a small chapter but i will make the next one a bit longer. I didnt write the story for a while becoz i...... Lost my mom. She is no more... I miss her guys... I hope you guys stay safe and also live healthy.....


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