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Akaashi's pov

Seriously?! He really just had to go and get us lost. Well, I guess it was my fault too...I did get carried away with my thoughts. I looked around to see if I recognized anything or found any signs. I guess we were in the middle of nowhere. Just us and the alleyways I guess. I heard Bokuto apologise and told him that it was just as much my fault as it was his. This is what I get for not paying attention in a strange new city.  "Akaashi?" Bokuto asked.

"Yesssssss?" I breathed. I was a bit aggravated, but I'm not going to lose my cool. We're lost tourists. So? It happens to a lot of people, and we couldn't have gone far. We can just follow the water back to the main path. Simple.

"Uhm... I'm kind of  h u n g r y..." Bokuto said. He pretty much whispered the word hungry. Right now, I felt like stabbing myself. He's hungry now? I mean who knows if there's any restaurants around here. Of course, I would use my phone, but there's no connection. I already tried. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Seriously? Now? I don't even know if there's any places around here." I responded. Oh what a situation this is. Bokuto looked down and blushed a little. "Let's just start walking this way". Bokuto followed me not saying anything. I felt our hands brush and it made me not want to look at him even more. I wanted him to be at least five feet away from me right now.

"Akaashi can we talk right now?" He asked. I turned a corner and saw another dock with a few boats. I figured we were heading in the right direction.

"Oh uh what do you want to talk about?" I asked. I felt mildly uncomfortable. I DIDN'T want to talk about the fact that we held hands. I know that it's only holding hands but we HELD HANDS? **gay panic intensifies**

"Oh I don't know..." he said.

"Then why did you ask me that question?" I asked. He didn't respond. I knew he wanted to tell me something.

"Remember when we were talking one day at practice and Konoha came up to us and dared us to kiss?" He finally said.

"Yeah..?" I said wearily.

"Well  I  kinda  wanted  too.." he responded slowly.

I felt my face heat up. My heart started beating. Where did that come from?!? Am I hearing this right? He said he wanted to kiss. Kiss me? Why? Am I dreaming? Is this really real? I didn't want to respond, but I had to. Bokuto was waiting for an answer for what he just confessed to me. Wait was that a confession? "W-what?" I barely managed to say. "Y-you wanted to k-kiss me?" I stuttered.

"W-well yeah Kaashi....because I like you..." he said not making eye contact with me. "I know you might not like me anymore and y-yeah but...sorry I guess."

HUH? He likes me? He likes me? He likes me? He likes me? He likes me? He likes me? That was all I was thinking about right now. We walked another few steps before I regained my confidence and then I responded. "Well yeah, of course I like you too." I smiled at him. He looked at me for a second and then grabbed my hand.

"Can we hold hands please?" He asked. I smiled wider.

"We're already holding hands." I chuckled. We walked in silence for a few minutes until I saw a
sign with an ice cream cone on it. Finally we were getting somewhere, and I'm sure Bokuto will love some gelato for dinner.

"Hey Akaashi?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Can I maybe call you Keiji..?"

I nodded in response. "So that means I can call you Kotarou." I stated.

"That's fine!" He smiled.

"Sooo would you like gelato for dinner?" I asked him. He laughed and I took that as a yes.

"But first..." he said with a smile, then pinned me against one of the buildings. "I want to kiss you!".

My whole face probably turned red. "H-huh? Already?" I asked. He looked at my flustered face.

"Stop it! You're too cute!" He said. "And we're alone so yeah, I want to kiss you! Can I?" He asked.

I was too weak to say anything but nodded. He then closed the gap between us and our lips met. It wasn't some small peck either. We were full on making out in a random alleyway in Italy. My heart was probably broken from beating so fast. We broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Soooo do you want to be my boyfriend?" Bokuto asked me.

"Of course." I answered.

The gelato place soon came into view as well as the rest of the town. My legs were so tired by now. And half the time we were on a boat. There was a few other people in the shop but they left before we stepped in. It was a small building with light blue wallpaper and little gelato decals. In the front there was a giant window where you could see all of the flavors. It was really hard to choose but both Bokuto and I ended up going with the stracciatella. The stracciatella was cream flavored gelato with thin chocolate pieces. It tasted quite heavenly in my mouth. Bokuto and I both got large cups because this was our dinner. We sat at a small table and chatted about what we were going to do tomorrow.

"So Akaashi! What do wanna do tomorrow?" He asked.

"Tomorrow? I was thinking we could go on a food tour. Like trying out a lot of Italian food and delicacies. Does that sound good?" I asked.

"OH YES! Especially if there's meat! Also more gelato because this stuffs amazing!" He said.

"Of course, more gelato just for you." I smiled.

Hey hey hey! Make sure to vote if you enjoyed!!!  ^ω^

If you've never tried stracciatella gelato go do it NOW!!! I'm not kidding, that shits amazing!

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