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Bokuto's pov

Akaashi just told me we were going to Venice today! Like, Venice! I didn't actually know what was so special about Venice, so I asked him and he said it's "The Floating City" so now I'm really excited! We get to go on boats and stuff! Akaashi also told me to stay close to him today since it's really easy to get lost in alleyways. So here we were, on a train to Venice to explore the floating city!

"Heyyyyy...Akaashi?" I asked. I was getting a little bored since we've been on the train for half an hour already and we're only one fourth there. Akaashi looked at me then looked away. "Ugh" I huffed.

"What do you want?" He asked, his head still turned away from me.

"Welll I'm kind of bored so do you maybe want to play a game?" I asked.

"We can't really play any games since we're on a train" he responded.

"Rock paper scissors!" I suggested.

"Eh." Is all he said back. I made pouty face at him and he pushed my face away. "Go to sleep Bokuto, it's a great way to pass time."

"But Akaashiiiii, sleep is booringgg." I whined back. Akaashi ignored me and rested his head on the window. He was really beautiful. I didn't realise that I'd been staring at him until someone's bag hit the floor next to me. I quickly snapped out of it and decided to try going to sleep like Akaashi. So I did, and was asleep pretty much the rest of the way.

Akaashi woke me a few stops before ours. We would have to get off the train and go to the dock. I was giddy with excitement when we got to our stop. Just walking down to the dock was pretty cool too, and we haven't even seen the city yet. There was a few other people waiting to get in one of the boats when we got down there. The line went pretty fast though.
"Ahh! Akaashi I'm so excited!" I whisper yelled.

"Me too Bokuto, I've always wanted to go on one of these." He replied. When it was out turn we both got on and were greeted by the person who was going to show us around.

"Heya! My names Aida, I'll be showing you guys around for the next few hours!" She said and smiled at us. We greeted her then she started our tour. I realised that this is actually pretty romantic if you think about it. Me and Aka- WHY AM I THINKING THIS?! Akaashi doesn't like me in that way so I don't know why I just felt my whole face heat up.

"Are you okay Bokuto?" He said. Which broke the trance I was in.

"Yeah just y'know, kinda hungry. But I got the chills so it's okay. Wait what? Yeah I'm actually kind of cold I guess... but maybe I just need a drink of water because I'm thinking too much!" I said. Akaashi looked at me with a very confused face. I guess he didn't bother to try and figure out what I was saying because he just shook his head and turned back around to take more pictures of the amazing scenery.

"If your cold, do you want a blanket? I have some if you'd like!" Aida said to me.

"Uhm, yeah actually. If you don't mind." I replied as she got out a blanket from behind her. She gave it to me and I laid it across my legs.
"Akaashi do you want to share the blanket?" I asked him.

"Oh, sure I guess." He scooted closer to me and I put half of the blanket on his lap. His leg was touching mine and my heart started beating five times faster. I felt my face heat up once again and quickly looked away so Akaashi couldn't see. Lucky for me, he was turned away.

"-and that over there is the Rialto Bridge!" Aida finished. Apparently she's been talking. I guess I've just been in my head this whole time. I took some time to actually look around me and really notice how amazing Venice is. There were small shops all over the place. There was houses and bridges built over the water and I saw other tourists enjoying themselves. I smiled and reached down to touch the water. I almost completely forgot how hungry I was until Akaashi spoke.

"Hey can we stop to look around and eat?" He asked Aida. The feeling of hunger hit me like a bus.

"Absolutely! You can just catch another boat back to the station when your done. Ciao, enjoy your day!" She said happily and stopped the boat in front of a store that looked like it had sweets inside. We got off and thanked her.

"So where do you want to go first Bokuto? It's pretty much lunch time." He said.

"Yes! First stop, something for lunch!" I replied and started walking. We walked for a few minutes until we stopped at this restaurant that smelled really good. We saw someone inside eating spaghetti so we walked in and our mouths immediately fell open. The smells were wonderful! My stomach was growling and my mouth was watering. We both got spaghetti with garlic bread. Best meal in my life! Definitely remind me to try more food in Italy! I really couldn't wait until dinner. We finished up quickly and Akaashi decided to browse some shops.

"Bokuto! How about we go in this bookstore?" Akaashi asked. I wasn't really a fan of bookstores as much as Akaashi but I decided to let him look for as long as he wanted. I found this book called "Come Fare Sesso" and showed it to Akaashi. He shook his head at me. (Also I dare you to look that up on google translate lol) When we were done window shopping we decided to explore the alleys a bit.

"You have your phone right?" I asked him. "Y'know just in case we get lost?" I said.

"Yes, yes I do. We aren't going to get lost Bokuto" he replied and rolled his eyes at me. We walked around as it got darker.

"Oh wow it's only like four and the suns already setting?" I asked, not really directing the question at Akaashi.

"Yeah I guess so, huh?" He said. My face flushed and I felt the need to hold Akaashi's hand for some reason. My heart skipped as I looked down at his hand. I twitched and touched his hand not thinking that he felt it. At that moment he looked up at me and I felt his hand slip into mine. At this point my heart probably gave up. I was a blushing mess. I got the courage to look Akaashi in the eyes, our fingers interlocked. He was blushing a little bit and he looked so cute, I wanted to pick him up and carry him away so he would be all mine. Forever. I never wanted this moment to end, but he just had to go and say it...

"Bokuto? U-um you do know where we are r-right?" He asked.


I hadn't realized that we'd been walking this whole time. Darn you stupid head! Rrrrrrr! I was so frustrated! We were totally lost!

Hey hey heyyy🤭 whoops I didn't update yesterday😬 I have no announcements other than this chapter is cute

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