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  Bokuto woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear. He tried to reach for it but his arm hit the edge of his dresser and he yelped. He picked up his alarm and threw it across the room. He sat up and his eyes shot wide open as he remembered what day today was. He was going shopping with Akaashi!  He got up and got dressed. Bokuto was wearing grey-black ripped jeans and a light blue hoodie. He went downstairs and said bye to his mom.

He was walking to Akaashi's house when he realized he'd forgot to eat breakfast. "Oh well, I can just stop somewhere and get me and Akaashi something." He said out load.

A few minutes later Bokuto found himself standing at the door waiting to knock. He didn't really know why he was waiting but he was feeling a bit nervous. He got to take Akaashi shopping! He'd thought about driving, but the stores they were going to were only a few blocks away. So he decided on walking because Akaashi would like to walk too. Bokuto was just about to open the door when it opened up and Akaashi stood there. He smiled and waved for Bokuto to come in.

I looked up and saw Akaashi's face. "Hey Akaashi! Are you ready to go shopping?" He asked.

"Yes Bokuto, did you eat breakfast?" He said as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Um..well..no, but I was going to stop somewhere and get something one I got you."

"Oh you can have some toast while you're here because I made extra, okay? Also don't spend all of your money today." He laughed a little and went to heat up the toast. I watched him stand there and wait for the microwave to beep. His eyes went to my face for a split second then he turned back to the microwave. When it was ready he asked me if I wanted any jam or butter then brought it over to me. I didn't really get a look at what he was wearing until now. He had on a black turtleneck and grey shorts with a dark blue sweatshirt. I couldn't help but stare a little bit. He sat down which broke my trance.

"So, are you ready?" He asked.

"YES! Let's go!" I was about to stand up when Akaashi grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Yeah no, we need a list Bokuto." He said.

"Ohhhhh okay! So we need some snacks, we need bathing suits, we need towels, and yeah there's our list!" I said. Akaashi didn't look impressed.

"No, let's think. What would we need for traveling around Bokuto?"

"Um our phones?" I said. Akaashi face palmed.

"I can see why your mom isn't letting you go alone." He said. "Okay I'll go get a piece of paper to write things down, be right back." He left and I thought about how much fun we were going to have.

We spent the next few minutes writing down stuff we needed. Akaashi pretty much thought of everything anyone needed to survive being stranded on a remote island, but I was fine with that. When we were done with the list we walked to the store and got everything we needed, and a few other things just because. We got snacks, beach stuff, some clothes, and band-aids just in case. When we finished we decided to go to a cafe down the street.

"When does our flight leave?" Akaashi said as we sat down.

"I think my mom said it leaves at 1 pm" I said.

"Oh okay then, how about I come over early in the morning so we can get everything together."

"That's a perfect idea Akaashi!" I smiled. "How about we get going so we can start packing?" I said.

"Well do you want to have a snack first? I can pay." He said.

"Sure, but I can pay." I smiled at him and our eyes met for a second. He looked away and I blushed a little. "Akaashi?"

"Yes Bokuto?" He looked up and his face was a little pink.

"I'm really looking forward to this trip!" I said and smiled at him. I couldn't really wipe that dumb smile off my face.

His face turned red and he smiled a little. "Me too Bokuto."

"I also can't wait for our flight! I really wanna go on a plane!!!" I yelled.

Akaashi chuckled which made me happy.

Yesterday was Father's Day so happy Father's Day! Also I'm sorry for taking so long for them to actually go on the trip, and I think I might switch povs from now on.

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