Chapter One-"Hello Brother"

Start from the beginning

"Get out Wormtail! You're easily replaceable! And take Nia's bags to her room, looks like she's going to stay here for a while." He yelled, Wormtail jumped out of his skin.

"Y-yes my Lord!" He whispered, running out of the room.

"So you thought you would come here to seek guidance from your big brother?" He asked, I rather of him just get to the point.


"Very well." Wait, did he just agree?


"Well you could be very useful as a death eater, do you want it or not?" He demanded, looking impatient.

"Yes, Yes of course!"

"Then there must be some rules."

I nodded for him to carry on, I knew there would be a catch. There always has been with him.

"You must call me my Lord in front of the others. I won't give you the mark because there would be no point to give it to someone in my blood line. You must do as I say and if not the consequences will be big or even fatal." I nodded quickly, not trusting my mouth to speak without saying something I would regret.

"A meeting will start in a minute, they are expected to come now so you can be introduced then." I have to admit I've never felt so intimidated by my own brother before, power definatley changed him.

Before I could think of what to say to him to break the ice (Not that he would want to), the cheerful Death Eaters walked in spraying rainbows and glitter everywhere they went, not really. I looked up at a few people and they looked like they were going to a funeral, probably mine.

A man who I couldn't recognise sat in front of me and looked at me intently, his dark hair swept across his face and his obsidian eyes had no light at all shimmering in them, he was unreadable.

I kept my eyes on him. Our own personal staring competition to see who was the inferior. I was thinking about a clever remark I could say to him until a tapping was felt on my shoulder.

I turned around to face a women that didn't look very happy to see me, her hair was dark and curly and her pale face would actually look quite pretty without a scowl stuck permanently on her face.

"Excuse me, you are in my seat." She accused, expecting me to get up and bow at her with hundreds of apologies, she obviously didn't know who I was.

"If you don't mind this is my seat, and if you don't leave me alone I might have to hex you into the next room." I grinned, mocking her. Her lips turned and she snarled at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I'll have you know-" I interrupted her.

"I'll have you know that I really couldn't give a monkeys arse, if you have a problem, please take it up with my brother." I pointed to Tom who listened to the conversation with great curiosity, but with a slight bored expression on his face.

"B-brother?" She gasped, stamping her foot.

"Sit down Bellatrix" he instructed in a monotone voice. She did what she was told in a sulk, as I turned back to the mystery man he raised his eyebrows in an impressed way.

"Silence" my brother hissed, although he didn't need to, everyone was deadly silent.

"First, I need to introduce you to my sister, Nia Riddle, she is now a part of us, she will be treated with up most respect or I will know." I nodded and this and smiled, that was probably the nicest thing he ever could force himself to say, the tables eyes flickered to me and back to Tom.

He began a rant about how they would kill Harry Potter this year, which was quite stupid because his ideas weren't practical, although I wouldn't dare say anything.

I learnt that the mystery man was called Severus Snape and he taught at Hogwarts for a spy for my brother. That interested me the most, the rest of them were just boring.

I listened to the conversation about how somebody called Draco Malfoy would kill Dumbledore the headmaster. I looked down the table to Draco to see who the hell he was, I was quite surprised to see he was the youngest in the room. My heart ached for him as he looked petrified, but he had to do it.

"That seems it for today, you can go and do something important. Don't let me down. Malfoys, Severus and Nia stay behind please, we have something to discuss." I mentally rolled my eyes but kept a blank face, I knew I had to be dragged into this somehow.

"Nia?" He looked in my direction. I looked up biting my lip, although I didn't want to look stupid in front of Severus.

"You are going to be a spy with Severus, you will go to Hogwarts with him and be his Defence Against The Dark Arts apprentice." I nodded at him.

"Yes." I nodded, he looked at me with a scowl. "I mean yes Master."

His scowl left his face slightly as he turned to the Malfoys. "Nia is to stay with you until she goes back to Hogwarts, it's only a week it won't trouble you." I looked up at them and they kept a straight face.

"O-of course my Lord, she is very welcome. It's a privilege." Draco's father stuttered, trying to impress him.

He turned back to me. "You have a meeting with Dumbledore to get the job. You will get it if Severus is involved." He nodded at Severus who kept the same expression.

"Wormtail has taken your bags to Malfoy Manor and Severus will floo in to take you in the morning." He took a pause, looking at us all one by one.

"Now, behave at the Malfoy's Nia and I'll see you after summer and keep in touch." He chuckled, I knew he liked to make me feel weak, that's why he was doing this, he walked out the room with that disgusting Snake following him.

I turned to Severus to shake his hand. "I don't think we have officially met, Nia Riddle." I smirked.

He lifted his hand and shook it slowly. "Severus Snape."


Opinions? I was unsure about writing this but I have a good story line for it.




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