So Bad (4)

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* song comes in handy later in chapter, please listen*


I wasn't expecting to see Natasha so soon, but I knew that we'd meet up again. I didn't expect for us to meet under these circumstances. Never did I imagine that Natasha would be friends with my fiancée. Mercedes and I had been together for the past year and I couldn't be happier. However, I couldn't give up my temptations just yet. Before things really took off between Mercedes and I, we had a sit down concerning our relationship, you know that expectations shit?

Mercedes and I had different lifestyles and if we were gonna do this thing, we had to be on the same page. I'm a boxer, and I own a gym. She's a renowned photographer and directs television shows part time. Mercedes and I have time, but we don't necessarily make time for each other as much as we should. Somehow, the distance between us makes it all worthwhile. When we met, we hit it off fast and hit the ground running with passionate sex, lunch dates, and vacations. As time progressed, we knew we couldn't be without each other, but because of our lifestyles we had to bend the rules. Before I proposed, we had a long talk about potential interferences and questioned if it would be a problem. Potential interferences such as other women.

Mercedes wasn't okay with it at first, but knew that I couldn't be with her at all times whenever she had to hit the road. I had a business to take care of and matches to fight, so there's always a strong possibility that I would want a companion alongside for various occasions. We settled on the fact that if we must cross that line that the potential candidate could not be someone that each other knew, we could not hook up with them on multiple occasions, we must always use protection, bringing them home is off limits, and we will not have contact with them ever again after said encounter. Now that we are engaged, some of those rules have been amended: protection must always be used, multiple encounters are set to a minimum per month, if a relationship begins to form we must cut them off completely, and if Mercedes contracts a STD due to my infidelity or I get someone pregnant, Mercedes is entitled to half of everything that I own. Don't get me wrong, I love Mercedes, but I have a few things I need to get out of my system before we walk down that aisle.

Seeing Natasha at my house resurfaced fond memories, and it wouldn't be me if I didn't act on them. I was wrong for how I treated her, but I couldn't believe she was really in my home. Call it a lame excuse, but I still couldn't accept the fact that she was friends with Mercedes, and the fact that I had Natasha in our bed previous nights ago. Our conversation was brief on the walkway, but damn she was beautiful. Even when she was angry she still turned me on.

The morning after we had met, I put Natasha's number in my phone. I knew I wanted to see her again, but not on terms like this. I placed a setting on my phone to keep track of her location, this command would only be activated once she replied to my text. (This isn't something that I would usually do, a friend of mine set this up for me years ago and I figured it would come in handy one day, I even have this feature for Mercedes as well; convenient right?). I know that Natasha wouldn't recognize the number but I figured that I would give it a shot anyway, so I decided to text her while she was at my house. She responded to my text, questioning who she was conversing with. That was all that I needed, I now know where Natasha will be at all times. To answer her question, I sent her a picture of us to give her a hint, but to my avail; she never responded.

It's been a few days since the gathering at the house and I needed to blow off some steam. I left the house and went to my gym. As I walked inside my phone went off, alerting me that Natasha was near. Turning off my phone, I found Natasha at a machine with a barbell resting on the back of her neck. She had a firm grip on the barbell and stood shoulder width apart. She began to squat with a 100lbs for weight. Watching her, I admired her form and how she managed the weight effortlessly; she could add just a little more as a challenge. I walked over to her and stood in front of her watching her squat. Natasha finished her set and took a sip of water. "Adonis?" she questioned. "Natasha, fancy meeting you here" I said putting my duffel bag down. "Likewise" she said setting the barbell in position to take a break. "So..." I said trailing the conversation. "So" she said nonchalantly staring at me quizzically. "What happened to you returning my text the other night?" I asked. "That was you?" she questioned taking a seat in a nearby chair. I chuckled, "You know it was me girl. Who else would have a picture like that?" I questioned.

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