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It was December 2019,
Ideal time for a MUN conference.
Ending the year, by a 'resolution'
Made a lot of difference.

I landed as a delegate in ECOSOC.
A board emphasizing economic and social issues.
Representatives coming onto a platform.
Giving speeches down the diplomatic avenue.

First day of the MUN,
Was more of exchange and engage,
Our chair acquiring our Guilty Pleasures!
We had so much unfold from our country's baggage.

We enjoyed debates to the truest.
The caucuses 'moderately' 'unmoderated'
We learnt so much here.
All of us underrated.

Deserving diplomats gaining prizes,
Feelings beyond the sky of blue.
This MUN was really special.
COEP MUN, we miss you!!!

Thank you for reading! :)

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