Stolen Cigarettes

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"Cass! Look who we found smoking your cigars." A short, Mexican-looking, girl was dragging another short girl by her ear.

"You expect me to care? It's a cigar, let her have it. We aren't in a gang or something, we work at a bar." Cassidy, a taller, dyed-purple haired, white female, was unbuttoning the top two buttons on her uniform. "Aren't you doing your shift right now, Fiffy?"

"Nah, it's Joana's, but I might go help her." The short Mexican paused, "Him? Her? Them? Chicken Leg?" Fiffy shrugged while Cassidy let out a small snort. The third girl had already left to go back inside.

The two smoked a cigarette for a minute or so, exchanging small conversations. Cassidy left and waved goodbye to her friend while unlocking her car.

"She's a nice girl. Doesn't get the credit for the work she pulls around here." Cassidy put the key in her car and started it. She drove home, on a dark road only lit by the flickering streetlights and her headlights. Her spiky in the front, puffy in the back, styled hair was starting to get frizzy.

She realized how lonely she was for once. She had friends, but she didn't have someone who'd stay by her side. Her parents were both in very bad states, and she was an only child. She never did anything particularly bad in her past, but there was one time in her past that just pissed her off.

She was fired once, from a job she really enjoyed. She worked for a friend of hers, Harry. He started his own kids' show called "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared". It was an interesting prompt for a show, to have a different 'teacher' come onto the show every episode to teach the cast of, a duck, a mop-thing, and a child, a new topic. The topics varied from creativity, to time, to dreams. She adored the idea and wanted to support Harry in his journey.

She'd had the role of a spray can who'd teach the trio about creativity. She'd done so well, her acting was perfect, her movements were just the right amount of animated, she couldn't have been better at the role, but apparently, she could've.

Harry fired her with almost no reason. She was soon replaced with someone named "Paige", but Cassidy didn't give a single damn. She was so fed up and angry, she never wanted to talk to Harry, or anyone involved with the show again. She thought it was all a load of unreasonable bull now.

It was all well for her after that, she'd occasionally think about the show and get angry about it, but she knew her new job as a bartender was better. She'd sometimes wonder how the actors and cast were doing, but she'd never know.

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