Chapter 4: A double wedding

Start from the beginning

Flashback start from yesterday at Galar Middle School

"Good luck children, have a nice day." Glalie, the math teacher, said to the class while the bell rings. Their school has ended.

As Glalie left his class, he walks to Centiskorch, the ELA teacher, in the halls and asked, "Phew, what a day. Say, do you still have the ring for your fiancé?"

Centiskorch answered as he show him the ice crystal ring for her, "Of course I do. What about you?"

Glalie replied as he show him the diamond ring for her as well, "I do too. Let's meet up with the others and confess to our ladies~" he said with a sing-song voice.

But before Centiskorch goes outside with him to confess to their ladies, he was confused because he was thinking of which man should marry their lady. Is it him? Or himself? It can't be both because if they marry their ladies together after their confession, they will be confused at some point. So he'd ask him before they'll marry their lovers.

"Hey, uhh...Glalie? Before we should do that, which of us would marry our girlfriends first?" Centiskorch asked.

Glalie was thinking in his head of what to marry their future wives first, until he answered, "I think I should go first."

"Okay." Centiskorch said.

As they leave the school and went outside at the park where the other teachers and principals from GMS and GJH are, Froslass the art teacher and Frosmoth the geography teacher are having a chat at the bench while Glalie and Centiskorch are both ready to marry their fiancés.

While the ice ladies both saw their man, Froslass said, "Oh, hello you guys, is there something you want to talk about?" She asked.

Glalie first began to confess to Froslass. "Froslass, you are the most beautiful, most sweetist Pokémon I've ever met. When we met, we were Snorunt kids at the start and became friends in kindergarten. When we became lovers, I gave you the most cheesiest gifts in Valentine's Day. You love it and decided to have feelings for me in high school. I love it when you confess to me. That's the best part ever. You and I's relationship was so powerful that we never break up. Froslass..." He pulls out a ring from his pocket with his invisible hands and leans it closer to her. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

Froslass gasps as she covers her mouth with both hands, blushes, and had tears in her eyes. "G-Glalie...YES!!! I will marry you!" She replied excitedly in tears of joy. She began to hug him and kiss him in the lips. Glalie kisses her back while all the teachers and principals awed in adorement as they watch the romantic scene this whole time.

As they both release the kiss, Centiskorch said, "Now it's my turn."

Glalie cheered, "Yeah! Go confess her and marry her!"

His confidence begans to built up as he started to confess to Frosmoth. "Frosmoth, I will always think your the prettiest ice moth Pokémon that I'll never forget. You and I met when we were pre-evolutions as kids in kindergarten. We never betray each other. I became your boyfriend when we had a dance prom in the poketeria at high school, and I confess to you because I began to have feelings for you that I'm officially in love with you. You began to carefully kiss me after I confess to you. You never cheat on me with someone else and you always be on my side forever. We would be together, forever and always. Frosmoth..." He does the same thing just like Glalie. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

Frosmoth gasps as she does the same thing just like Froslass. "C-Centiskorch...YES!!! I will marry you!" But instead of hugging, (because he might accidentally burn her with his burning body) she'd carefully kissed him in the lips. Centiskorch kisses her back while all the teachers and principals awed in adorement too, but some tearing up because of these two beautiful, emotional confession.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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