Definitely a Closet Case

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Hey y'all, I haven't updated this story is so freaking long and I apologize for that. I lost motivation and school started up again so I hope I can be forgiven. Thank you all for the votes and the saves, you are all real too kind. Hopefully, I can shell out a few chapters over Christmas break.
thank you for your understanding -Noodles

David's POV

I left the lodging house feeling.. empty. Like I hadn't succeeded at anything. It wasn't my fault Jack was being stubborn. the thought still nagged at me. "Why didn't you do more?" Jack even said it himself. I shouldn't act like I'm his mother; But, I still want to be there for him, I want to be by his side, I wanted him to be by my side. It's a shame I won't be able to see him as much when I go back to school.

I made it back to Central Station, the gates had opened and there was a line. "Davey, is everything okay?" Crutchy came up and asked me, Les followed behind him. I shrugged. "Yeah, Jack is fine. Taking a day off due to bad sleep." Crutchy looks at me confused. "Doesn't sound like him. He works through anything." Les nodded. " Nothing stops cowboy!" I grabbed Les by the shoulder. "Let's go get our papes." Crutchy slowly waved goodbye, still looking confused. I walked up the ramp and was met face to face with Mr. Wiesel. "50 papes," I mumbled. I set my money on the counter, took my papes, and left promptly. As I passed by Mush and Kid Blink, I heard one turn to the other. "Who shoved a stick up his ass?" Mush asked. Kid Blink shrugged. "He's always got an issue, I wouldn't pay much attention to it." I slowed my walking pace. " What the hell is wrong with me?" Just as I thought I had gotten over being uptight, I'm right back at square one. I stopped and handed Les 15 papes. "Go on ahead, don't go anywhere past the restaurant." He graciously takes his papes and runs off.

~Time Skip~

I sold my last pape to an older woman. She thanked me and I got my money. Les came running up to me with a handful of coins. "I sold all my papes today! Look at the money I got!" I smile at him, I smile even though I'm tired, I smile even though I've been freaking out and overthinking things all day. Les seems happy that I look happy. "It's getting dark, let's go home." Les nodded and proceeded to lead the way back to our house.

Jack's POV

I got a little cleaned up and I was dressed enough. I was still dealing with my damn shoulder cramp. The door opens and a few boys walk in. I saw Race walked into the room and glared at me. "What gives cowboy?" He asks, I can tell by his voice he is not happy. I give a small shrug. "Fuck my shoulder!" I curse to myself. "I thought the great almighty Jack Kelly could work through anything?" Race yells. I hate it when he does this. "Screw off Race, my shoulders been killing me and sending me to hell." Race scoffs, chewing on the end of his cigar. Blink chimes in. "I've seen you go to work with a bloody nose and a cut on your arm, you cave to a sore shoulder?" The other newsies nod in agreement. These guys were making me furious, why does everyone have to get on my case? Mush pulls Race and Blink aside and whispers to them. Blink whispers back to him, Race rolls his eyes and I hear him mutter something about "hopeless romantics." Mush speaks up "Guys, he alright just leave him alone for a while." when the newsies disperse Mush walks over to my bunk. "you're welcome, cowboy," I open my mouth to thank him but he raises his hand to stop me. "no need, get your rest."

another night, another wave of thoughts about my issue, Davey Jacobs. What was it about Davey Jacobs that got me in a dilemma? My face heated up as I thought more and more. I remembered the night he came to save me from the refuge. I had him against the wall, we were yelling at each other...I had him against the wall... "Do I like Davey Jacobs?" The minute the thought crossed my mind I felt frustrated, yet relieved. I came to terms with the possibility I may be crushing on him, crushing on another man. What was I going to tell Sarah? "hey you're a pretty girl but I'm more interested in your brother." that was cruel. "Sleep it off Kelly, you're just tired. this will pass."

Once I finally dozed off, my dream was of Davey and me. We were in Santa Fe. We were sitting on a small hill looking at the western sunset. he smiled at me and my dream body felt like it was melting. I started to play with his curls and he let out a small laugh. He looked at me and then I held him by the chin and we both were leaning in and-

"Get up boys! Papes are rolling! up up up!" Kloppman's voice woke me up. I groaned and shut my eyes tight. "Cowboy, no more days off! you better get up!" I sit up and I don't feel any pain in my shoulder. "Jack, you sleep better?" Mush asked me as I walked into the wash area. "Oh yeah, shoulder's feeling better." Mush gives me an approving pat on the back. "Had sweet dreams, Kelly?" Race teases me. My face flushes and I was going to make a retort, but race becomes distracted with making sure Snipeshooter wasn't swiping cigars.

"Sweet dreams."

if only he knew.

982 words! Idk if this story is a slow burn or not but hopefully my brain can think of a way to get these two together. thank you for your patience once again! -Noodles.

Emotions are hard.  (Newsies 1992)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora