Lover Boy

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Sweet, sweet lover boy
Your candy has run out.
The car is gone too, I'm sure, without a doubt!
Lover boy, lover boy, please do not cry...
Infatuation is always a lover's secret lie.
No, don't drink whiskey, please.
It might be a good release
But it becomes a dark pit
And in there you'll sit.

Lover boy, lover boy, cant you see?
You mean so much more to me
Than candy and treats!
Lover boy, lover boy, I know that you're there
Open the door so we can be fair.
I know that it's difficult, I know that it's hard
But you are in there and I'm in the yard!
Let me help you find that Cloud Nine
She will be kind and oh, glory-divine!
Maybe you're not ready and that's okay too,
Lover boy, lover boy, whatever you do
Make sure she's ready and always be kind,
Never assume it's a "yes" if you know she's imbibed.
Accept the word "no", respect her wishes, respect her
And you've got a keeper!

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