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"My lord  please slow down " Sabastian said as Ciel walked looking around with sparkles in his eyes which Sabastian found cute  

"Mey Rin went for groceries , Finni's looking for a place to stay,  Baldroy is with Tanaka "

"okay.." Ciel hummed watching as a blonde girl run towards him thinking she'll pass him but boi was he wrong the next thing he know is that  he was on the ground with the girl hovering over him breathing hard Sabastian ran to him pulling the girl off of him and helping him up " I'm s-so sorry".

Ciel's POV

Damn her breath was kicking I fanned my face "I'm s-so sorry" "It's fine just please look where you are going before you kill someone" And not only by your breath oh god haven't this lady heard of toothbrush and toothpaste I give her a look of disgust .

"W-What's wrong is something on my face?" She stutter

"No It's nothing "I said noticing a smirking Sabastian's " What my young master is saying is that your b-" I immediately covered his mouth glaring at him with the face of " SHUT YO DAMN MOUTH" " He mean nothing now may I ask why were you running " 

"I almost forgot please help me  Vampires are trying to kill me"

sigh cant I have a break for once in my life first demons, Reapers, circus clowns, zombies  ,bunnies , spiders and now this ughhh what's next A SCHOOL OF VAMPIRES!?

"looks like kitten  met a new friend" some red headed  guy said popped out of nowhere

"AHHHH PLEASE HELP MEEE PLEASE" the girl yelled hiding behind  Sabastian with a teary eye

jeez woman calm down 

The guy appeared behind me smelling my neck? "No need to to be rude  but get your stinking ass from around  me like for real though do you bathe?  You smell like sex ,shit and pee Step back a little  before the scent come on me" I turned around meeting his eyes glaring ignoring the fact that I heard Sabastian chuckle   but seriously man someone had to tell him.

"Now will you excuse me I have to go.. and sweetie .. .please use toothpaste  and not something from the garbage bin" I said walking away with Sabastian following  not even sparing them a glance.

IM so sorry Laito baby 

"Where were you guys" Finni asked with his straw hat in his hand " Don't worry bout it have you find a place" "Yes It was for a really was for a good price" "hmm okay Sabastian I'll explore the house can you bring me some tea and a blueberry cheesecake .

"yes my lord"


I looked around stepping further and fur-  wait a sec I int  some stupid bitch that in horror movies who are too damn curious for there own good and end up dieing or get jumped by some ghost nope Let me go with Sabastian boa .I tried to turn around but saw a black shadow running towards me once again... okay I getting tired of this shit now I took my stick and  hit the the damn thing over and over .

"CIEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING" oh I know this voice.....Lizzy!? " Omg sorry sorry" " hehe it's fine I want to talk...." "sure ,SABASTIAN LEAD ME TO THE OFFICE" and out of nowhere Sabastian was right in front of then " certainly my lord, Right this way"  

" Ok so what is it"

" Ciel...Let's brake the engagement"  "W-what" " I loved you when we were kids but I just dont love you like that... when we were kids I was sure of it but was more of a friendship way  I'm so so sorry... I'm really thought I sorry Ciel "Lizzy broke down in tears feeling  bad but I have to admit... I sorta felt the same way lately...

 " It's alright Lizzy I was kinda feeling the same way nowadays"

" R- Really?"

"yes so I guess I have to apologize too... I'm sorry for leading you  on all these years  despite  not  feeling the same way.." "Thank you for all the years....Ciel ...friends?"   "no...Best friends''  We shook hands with smiles on our face finally getting it  off our chest.

" So want to stay for dinner ?" 


ok so thats just a short little chapter for now

so if you are confuse well in this  book Ciel is 17...(use you imagination if your want a pic)

 so it can go with the characters I put him with in diabolik lovers  if I want to... or yall can just say who you want them with 

This book will get updated every day, If I miss a day then it's either I'm sick , had a large essay or just sleeping 

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