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"Toni! I was helping you!" Cheryl yelled at a frustrated Toni.

Toni had found out that Cheryl got Kimberly's dad's job loss.

"Cher, after cursing her out, you should've left it at that!" Toni yelled.

"Well, sorry for trying to help." Cheryl growled.

Toni rolled her eyes. "I DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Toni screamed.

"I hate when people think they could just help me when I never asked!" She added.

"Well, Fuck. I'm not doing this right now." Cheryl sighed.

"Hell yeah we're doing that right now!" Toni yelled.

"I can't believe you right now!" Toni frowned.

"How would you feel if you were in her shoes? Where your dad can't afford to feed you and your 4 siblings. Your mom dies when your only 2. Your dad working endlessly to make sure they could have food at night and morning?" Toni asked.

"I-I, I didn't think about that..." Cheryl whispered.

"Yeah. Because you never think." Toni huffed, getting up and leaving the room.

"Toni, baby. Wait." Cheryl tried.

"I'll see you, Cher. I need space." Toni said, walking out.

"FUCK!" Cheryl threw her alarm clock.

2 days later

"Look who finally decided to join us." Jason giggled.

"Fuck off." Cheryl mumbled. She sat down, picking with her food.

"Toni still not speaking to you?" Jason sighed.

"What does it look like?" Cheryl growled, pointing to her appearance.

Her hair messy, still in her pajamas.

"Cher, you can't let something like this bring you down." Clifford said.

"But it is, wanna know why?" Cheryl said.

He nodded. "I'm in love with her. Okay? And that shit fucking Hurts knowing I hurt her." Cheryl said.

"So, please. Can we drop the subject?" Cheryl asked, bitterly.

Everyone nodded, leaving her alone.

After eating, Cheryl got dressed because Veronica was having a party.


Toni walked into the prembrook, smiling as she greeted Veronica.

Cheryl walked up to Veronica with a cup.

"Oh. Hey." Toni waved.

"Hi." Cheryl deadpanned, walking away.

Toni frowned. Veronica sighed.

"I'm sorry, Toni. I heard what happened." Veronica nodded.

"It's okay. It's my fault. I walked out instead of talking about it." Toni said, taking the complete blame.

Veronica smiled sadly, "How about we get you a drank?" Veronica asked.

"Okay. One drink though." Toni said, letting the raven hard girl led her to the kitchen.


Toni watched as Cheryl flirted with a girl in the corner.

Betty stood beside her, talking to her but Toni wasn't listening.

"Toni. Just go talk to her." Betty sighed.

"It's not easy, Ya know." Toni sighed.

Before Betty could reply, they heard a loud bang.

"I'm here for Toni! Toni Topaz!" A drunk Kimberly busted into the door.

Toni frowned at the weapon she had in her hand.

"She has a gun!" Someone yelled causing everyone to scream out in panic.

Cheryl walked over, subtly.

"There you are! You! Got my dad fired." She slurred, waving the gun around.

Cheryl told next to Toni, "Kimberly, put the gun down..." Cheryl whispered.

"No! I will not. Because now my dad doesn't have a job!" Kimberly yelled.

"It's going to-NOO!" Cheryl yelled as the gun went off as she and Toni both fell to the ground.

"There's blood!" Betty screamed.

"It's not mine!" Toni yelled, after checking herself.

"CHERYL!" Toni cried.

"Call for a 18 year old female, shot."

"I'm so sorry, Cher..." Toni cried.

"I-I love you, Toni." Cheryl breathed out as they rolled her into the ambulance.

"I love you too, Cher. Forever and always." Toni smiled.

"F-forever and A-Always." Cheryl chokes out before her eyes closed.

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