" don't worry, Darkrai. I have gotten lost plenty of times as well " Ash assured him

" that does not inspire confidence " Darkrai glared at him and then sighed " wish squinty eyes was here. I really loved scaring the shit out of him ".

Brock and Dawn had decided to split up from Ash since Dawn realized that she couldn't get to contests on time while helping Ash's gym battles and Brock attended a course on some town or other regarding Pokemon research. The separation wasn't easy on anyone's part but it had to happen.

" Seriously, Darkrai. I bet half the reason he bolted off was to get away from you " Ash joked.

Darkrai laughed.

" Ash ? " Darkrai, Pikachu and Ash turned around to look at a familiar blonde

" Cynthia ?! " Ash exclaimed as he glanced at the older woman in dark clothing.

Darkrai looked at Cynthia who was giving Ash a look he didn't recognize.

" So great to see you ! " Cynthia smiled brightly but then looked at him once more in confusion " where are your friends ? ".

" We decided to split. Brock found new opportunities to improve his knowledge on Pokemon breeding, and Dawn wasn't getting enough opportunities to participate in contests. It wasn't easy but it was necessary " Ash stated.

" Sad " Cynthia looked at him in sympathy, but then smiled brightly " any new badges ? ".

" yeah, I'm going on my 5th " Ash said.

" You move fast ! " Cynthia smiled brightly but then it suddenly changed into one of curiosity " Ash, do you have a Pokemon hiding around here ?. I have a Lucario that has trained me in sensing Aura so .... ".

Ash then sighed and bringing her into an alleyway, he ordered Darkrai to De-holoform.

Cynthia was shocked as she stared at the nightmare Pokemon, the shock soon turned to awe as she went to touch him but he slapped her hand off.

" Get your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty human "

" he talks ?! " Cynthia exclaimed.

" Sorry Cynthia, he watched 'Planet of the Infernapes' in the last town we stopped at. He repeats lines of movies he's come to like and tends to get over dramatic " Ash apologized.

" You Snore worse than a Snorlax who went back to sleep after shitting " Darkrai shot back at Ash who blushed red.

" and he's also an asshole " Ash added as an afterthought.

Cynthia looked at Ash in shock and then turned to Darkrai " A Legendary .... it seems even they have personalities like us all ".

" You bet that shapely ass we do, Hon " Darkrai laughed.


Turns out that the 5th Gym leader was away on some work so Ash and the team retreated into a nearby Forest to train.

Darkrai however, decided to teleport to Unova region.

He loved his teammates and though Ash was brilliant in training them, he was a bit more lax and he wanted to help them improve.

Mewtwo was a good source of information and through their psychic communication, had told him rumors of a shiny Dragon type Fraxure that sought a challenge and battles. He lived in unknown caves and it took half a day to find him.

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