Start from the beginning

Cyane: Yes 😊

She replied without hesitation. She wasn't really scared of these guys. They were criminals, yes, but they didn't give her the creeps like Crown Prince Saint Winthrop. Xanthos and his friends wouldn't harm her physically, she was sure of that.

Gian: Where are you exactly? Why did you move from their place?

Cyane: I am safe. I'm in one of their apartments.

She was pretty sure this small apartment belonged to Xanthos alone.

Gian: Fly away. Why do you have to stay there?

Cyane looked at the railings in the balcony and sighed. There was no way she could fly away through the window or the balcony. If she wanted to get out of this place, she had to do it through the front door.

Cyane: I owe it to Yolanda's family. Don't worry about me. Also don't contact me until I do.

Gian: Ok. Be safe.

The phone pinged again.

Gian: Yolanda just called me again. What do I do?

Cyane stood up and paced. Theos! Yolanda is worried which means she would inform Lysander and very soon, Lysander would organize a search party for her and it means, Minerva would also get distracted in her mission.

No. She couldn't let that happen.

As she paced around, she wondered what she would say to Yolanda because she had made up her mind of talking to Yolanda.

That was the moment Cyane realized that Xan hadn't come out yet. She padded towards the bedroom door and pushed it open. When she saw the lights of the bathroom switched on, she heaved a sigh.

This was her chance.

Slowly closing the door behind her, she locked it from the outside and dialled Yolanda's number.

"Hello?" Cyane smiled in relief when she heard Yolanda's voice.

"Yolanda... Hi, it's me. Cyane" she whispered.

"Cyane? Where are you? Where did you go?" Yolanda was anxious.

"My friend texted you right? I told him to. I am at his place. I met him in the food court" Cyane continued whispering, staring at the door.

"Why are you whispering?" Yolanda demanded. "And who is this friend?"

"Someone who has connections with my grandmother. I need to convince him to shut his mouth about where I am." Cyane hated lying to Yolanda, who has only ever helped her, but if Yolanda found out where she was then Minerva's plan would be pushed back which Cyane didn't want to happen.

"Why are you whispering?" Yolanda asked again.

Cyane never moved her eyes from the door as she answered, "I don't want him to overhear. I will be back soon. Maybe in a day or two."

"You trust this guy?"

It was Xanthos's image that came to her mind when Yolanda asked that question. "Strangely, I think I do."

"But I don't. Why do I get the feeling you are not fine?"

"There's nothing to worry. Honestly, Yolanda, I will be fine. How is Minerva?" she asked.

"She is worried about you. We all are. She just lost you. I will give the phone to her."

Before Cyane could protest Yolanda had passed the phone. "Cyane, seriously? Who the hell is this guy? When did you meet him and where is your phone?" Minerva was even more suspicious than her mother.

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