Chapter 29 - " can I not think about Thailand?"

Start from the beginning

"You as well, bye!"


The call ended and a smile appeared on Lisa's face - They really have been giving me a lot to do over the last couple  of days. And I am rally glad that I can help. And yeah, more recognition for my work is always great! Also, the pay wasn't bad so far. Oh... I can't wait to do this wedding and see what happens!

The mail came and Lisa read it while also commenting it in her head:

Oh, the 23rd. That's in a couple of days. And only two days away from Christmas. What an interesting date and what an interesting choice. It also says here that I won't be the only one there from the agency. I mean, it makes sense, it's probably going to be a big wedding, they need more people to cover the event. Oh, okay, my duty is to cover the "crowd parts" of the wedding - the dancing, the dinner, the ceremony. Okay, got it.

Lisa then got back to studying

The 23rd came soon enough and Lisa woke up with a smile on her face - today's the day, time to arrive there and do my best work.

While doing her usual routine, she took a quick glance on her social media. As soon as she opened Instagram, a video from Irene's official public feed popped up - Oh I wonder what this might be. It was released a couple of minutes ago, let's see. Lisa mused as she started to watch the video.

"Hello Irenators! As you know, I've done an acoustic event a month ago and the reception was...overwhelming. All of you have been such great supporters with your comments, that my management team and I have decided to give you another gift - a mini tour! All the dates will be visible on my official website, but the important thing is - this is not a small event like the last one. More tickets will be available and I hope to see you all at these events as soon as possible! Love you all!" She finished the video with a smile and a kiss towards the camera.

Oh my! Oh my! She's so adorable. And that kis...guhhhhh... I don't know  who wouldn't want to hang out with her! Okay Lisa... Calm down, let's check the dates and the cities, maybe she will come somewhere near Thailand. Oh, and nope...the tour is just Korea and Japan. It's in March and April, which is great since by then my exams will be over...huh... I mean, yeah, she did say it was a mini-tour so yeah, I guess I understand why there are not so many dates and not so many places where she will perform at. Huh... I wonder if I could raise enough money again to go and see her perform live. Welp, I better get back to doing my job and see if I can!

Lisa then got ready and went to the event. On the way to the event, Lisa texted Irene:

Hey, I saw your announcement, I am really happy that you're going on a mini-tour! And I'm really glad that a lot of people praised the acoustic performance, it was really something else :)

Lisa sent that message with a smile and entered the event.

This is so glamorous. Wedding or no wedding, you would want to get invited here, it looks so beautiful! And so many people! Oh, this is going to be a great day!

Lisa got to work fast, covering the event as much as possible, but also, she tried to stay out of the limelight in order for everyone to have a great time. She focused on the bigger crowds, in order for no one to stand out in particular. That was her part of the event,

As the wedding was heading towards the end, Lisa decided to check her phone to see if anything happened. She got a text from Irene. Ohhh, I can't wait  to read it. She internally giggled. The message read:

Oh thank you so much! I am sorry we couldn't make it a bigger thing so that Thailand was included, bur we are still working on it :) How are you, how's life, your college, your girlfriend and your photography? :)

Lisa stopped for a second after she saw that last part. She doesn't know we broke up. I mean, I hid my relationship status on Facebook before I put it to "single", I didn't want too much attention. Hm, this is really not the time to talk about it. I mean, I will explain to her someday, just... not now.

Lisa wrote back:

Oh life's great, college is great, thank you for asking! :))) I'm actually now covering a high-profile wedding and I'm really excited about it! And don't worry about missing out on Thailand, I'm sure you will tour here soon enough! :D

Irene responded almost immediately because she was online at the moment:

Oh a wedding! Sounds fancy! ^^ Please, if you can, send me the link to your photos when they're ready for the public, I want to see more of your work! And I will definitely keep Thailand in mind :) :*

Lisa was grinning from ear to ear. Look! She will keep Thailand in her mind! I put that idea into her head! Am I cool or what? Hahaha and look, she wants to see more of my photos! How sweet of her!

Lisa was getting a warm feeling inside. Irene actually cared for her and she wanted to know more about her. And she really didn't have to do that - she was a celebrity who had a lot in mind. And yet, there she was, texting some fan from Thailand. And she was warm and kind towards her. Lisa almost physically felt the affection and care that came from those messages.

And although she knew that looks weren't the most important thing in a person, Lisa would be lying if she said she didn't find Irene attractive. She would also blush while thinking that, mostly because it was just a girlcrush, but still... She would blush. She started to think:

- Ugh, how does she manage to be so sweet, caring and nice? Haha, I would so fall for her if I knew it wasn't a bad idea. She's easygoing, she always asks about me and my life, she like my work... I do find her attractive, I mean, she is my girlcrush but...but, no, no! It's stupid. No! It would be stupid to fall for her. I mean... Just because she's nice, and kind, and warm, and attract-oh wow... Why am I thinking about this all of a sudden? Meh, must be just the breakup affecting me and now I'm just latching on the first person who I don't consider a sister. Yeah, that's probably it! It will probably blow over. And since I do know that it would be stupid to fall for her, and since it would be way too soon after my breakup, yeah... No feelings, but mostly because it's a bad idea. I mean, imagine, The Star and The Fangirl...hahaha... No, I like this more.

Lisa then wrote:

M'lady, the link will be sent to you as soon as possible :))) And please do keep Thailand in mind, you know the people would love it if you could come! :*

Irene wrote back:

Thank you!!! :* With such a great person coming from there, how can I not think about Thailand? :D :*

Lisa was smiling again. Calm down my heart. Calm down! I know it's a brave new world, I know we've just ended a long relationship and you need someone to hold you again in a non-friendly, loving way... I know you're lonely. But Irene is not the way. I mean, usually she is. But she is not your road to love. So calm down, heart, don't flutter!

Lisa got back to doing her job in order to concentrate on something else.

But it would be great to see her again. She mused.

Irene was thinking about their texts as well:

I mean, look at this, this is precious! She called me "m'lady". Adorable! It always puts a smile on my face whenever I see her send me cute stuff like that. I can't wait to see more of her work! She really is great. She didn't mention her girlfriend... Huh... Maybe... Hm.... Naah, they're probably okay.  

The Star and the Fangirl - A Lisrene Adaptation (AU)Where stories live. Discover now