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Third Person's P.O.V 

"Mommy! Mommy! Can you please open this package??" A little girl said to her mom. 

"Sure thing honey" her mom replied as she opens the package. 

It reveals a mail and a box. The girl's mom picked up the mail and opened it, it says :

We will find you soon

The girl's mom was really shocked, who would send a letter saying that? But she believe that it was only a warning. Nothing will happen. 

"What is it mommy?" The girl asked. 

"Oh, it was nothing honey ..." Her mom replied as she caressed her daughter's shoulder-length vermilion hair. 

"Okay! Oh yeah, mommy, that box hasn't been opened yet? Can I? Can I open it??" Her daughter asked playfully. 

"Sure you can, but if there's something weird, give it to mommy, okay?" 

"Okie!" After that the girl quickly opened the box. Inside the box was pairs of pretty shoes. 

"Wow ..." The girl said in awe. She picked up the pair of shoes and tried it. Suddenly ...

"honey, quick follow mommy" her mom said to her in a worried tone. 

"why mommy?" The girl asked curiously. 

"Just go quick, okay?" 

"O-okay ..." 

The girl followed her mom, her mom leads her to her bedroom.

"Go hide under your bed, Magnolia" the girl's mom said her first name. 

"What? Why mommy? Are we playing hide and seek?" She said (LOL XDD).

"It's kind of. Now please do it for mommy and daddy, and your siblings okay?" 

"Alright!" And then 'Magnolia' (the girl's name) playfully hid under her bed. 

"Now, stay there until everything's safe" say her mom smiling to her beloved daughter.

"Okay" Magnolia replied. 

After several minutes Magnolia's mom left her, she heard a scream. 

"What?! Who's that?? Mommy? Is that you?" Magnolia said, scared. 

Suddenly the door was opened harshly, Magnolia saw her mom was threwn into the ground, and then a man's voice was heard.

"NOW TELL ME! WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER?!?!" The man yelled to her mom. 

"I don't ... Know ... She run away, you'll NEVER find her!!" Magnolia's mom yelled back. 

The man walked closer to her mom, and then ... Killed her mom. Blood splattered everywhere.

'No, mommy!!' 

Magnolia saw the horrible scene, she decided to stand up for her mom, even though she's still young. She got out from her bed, and surprisingly she carried a scissor. She found it while she was looking for something.

"If you're looking for me, I'm here, coward" Magnolia bravely said. 

"Oh so there you are little girl ... You called me a coward? You'll PAY for what you've said!!" The man charged at her, but she dodged it.


"TAKE THIS!!" Magnolia stabbed the man and he died. She still holds the scissor and another two men appeared in front of her bedroom. Magnolia gave them a deadly glare, her eyes has turned into anger and sorrow, making the two men ran away from the mansion. 

"That's what you got after killing my beloved mom" 

Magnolia went out and saw her whole family were killed, they're been massacred. She believes that there is more than 3 peoples, but they probably run away after being told by the 2 men that she scares. 

"I'm sorry everyone ... I can't save you all ..." She said. Tears starts falling down to Magnolia's cheek. 

'Why me? Why my family? WHY NOT SOMEBODY ELSE?!' She thought.

Magnolia can't hold it anymore, she cried really hard and loud. When the police came, they secured her to keep her safe. When the time's right, she can go back home or stays with the police a little while. 



Hey guys! I know the prologue seems a bit confusing, but I've been trying hard to make it clear and understandable. I hope you enjoy the prologue! Now you know the girl's name right? More will be on the next chapter! :D I hope you enjoy :) 

'Why Me?' - A HxH FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now