Chapter 9: Goodbye

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3rd POV

He quickly ran back to the spot where they fought, but Mafuyu obviously left. So Uenoyama ran and ran, hoping he can still fix things up. "I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid!" He mumbled angrily. Since he literally sprinted for 5 minutes straight, he quickly ran out of breath and had to stop a few times to catch his breath. 'Why am I running like it's the end of the world? Mafuyu isn't going anywhere..' He thought.

Mafuyu's complex was just in view, he just needed to climb the stairs and run to his doorstep. So he kept running and running.

He stopped in front of Mafuyu's door and bent over to catch his breath. Breathing heavily, making the back of his throat hurt. 

After catching his breath, he knocked on Mafuyu's door, "Mafuyu, it's me. Can I come in so we can talk things out?" He called out, but there was no answer. "Mafuyu? I know you're mad, I can't blame you but can we talk..?" He called out once more.

Uenoyama waited, but Mafuyu still didn't come to the door. Honestly, Mafuyu has been this stubborn. The last time he was probably stubborn was when he asked Uenoyama to teach him guitar. "Err....Mafuyu?" He knocked, but yet again, there was no answer.

Uenoyama go worried and started knocking louder, "Mafuyu??? It's me, are you alright?" He tried opening the door, obviously locked. 'He can't be asleep, well, not anymore' He thought. Was he really just mad? 

So what did Uenoyama do? Yeah, YEAH HE DID. (A/N: Ok ok ok, sorry, it sounds like I'm making this scene sound like a joke. But this is just sad so I'm adding a bit of light? Light? making the story a bit merrier? Ok fine, I'll leave now.) Uenoyama kicked the doorknob off swiftly. Thanking himself for being Athletic.

He entered Mafuyu's apartment, stepping on something, or someone. Only the light from the moon illuminated the dark room. Revealing a limp body. Uenoyama quickly scooped him up in his arms, trying to stay calm. "M-Mafuyu??" His voice quivering. The only thing that told Uenoyama that the small boy was still alive was the slow rising and falling of his chest. 'M-maybe he just passed out...' He thought foolishly. 'NO! Mafuyu's health was bad in the first place! I need to take him to the Hospital!' He thought, so he stood up, holding Mafuyu bridal style and rushed to ground level.

He quickly checked his watch, 9:59 PM. If he ran, he could get to the Hospital in about 10 15-ish minutes. But with the weight of Mafuyu, it would take him a bit longer than 15 minutes. So he quickly calculated everything in his head. Finally coming up with his decision, he ran.


Uenoyama was able to get to the Hospital faster than he thought, and successfully got Mafuyu some Doctors. So all he had to do now was to wait and see. So for the time being, he FaceTimed Akihiko and Haruki.

"What's up Uecchi? You never usually call us this late." Asked a tired Akihiko. "You seem to be in a pretty busy place." Haruki pointed out, looking at the screen. "Yeah.. I'm at the Hospital and they seem to have a lot of patients right now." "Eh?! The Hospital?!" The 2 said in sync. "Yeah...Me and Mafuyu got into a pretty big fight. But it was all me...I was just being petty." I sighed. "So I said some pretty nasty things before leaving Mafuyu to cry. And....he went home and I turned back to apologize. I got to his place and repeatedly knocked on his door, but I just gave him and kicked the door open. Then....he was on the floor, unconscious but breathing." 

"GOODNESS UENOYAMA!!" Haruki exclaimed angrily. "I'm heading there right now, send the address to us both." Akihiko got up from where he was laying and grabbed his keys. "We'll be there in a few." Haruki said before both of them ended the call, leaving Uenoyama sighing and depressed. 

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