Note and Introduction

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Hello~ This is a note and an introduction from me! Okay so here's the summary :

There's a girl, the girl had been going through a lot on her life before and right now. She is suffering, dying, and desperate right now. She can't trust, love, be friends, or count anybody, because of the tragedy that has been happening to her in the past. She never went out from her house, simple cause, danger. She curses herself for being like this, being a girl that has been left out dying and suffering.

'Why me? After all the things I've been going through, why still me?!'

Note ~

My grammar's not that good because English is my second language. If you see some mistakes, please comment and I'll try to fix it ^^.

You all will know the girl's name later not now ^^; I have to go to sleep now! I'll make sure to write the first chapter tomorrow :) Bye~

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'Why Me?' - A HxH FanFicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang