Chapter 2

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nannon pov

It has already been a week since i joined srinakharinwirot high school.everyday,p'mon waits for me at the fronth of my class so i dont escape my practice in is in science club and ssing is in math club.honestly,i feel a little tinny miny jealous when girls scream over him.okay maybe a lot. "ai non, what are you doing here?why you so depreseddd " new kicked my left leg softly and hit my head, as per normal. "ai new, ai non lets go eat ice cream!!" ssing shouted behind us.we nodded, then we walked to the ice cream café nearby.

we hapilly ate our ice cream until ssing asked me something."err,ai non how come you got into the music club?i heard that only people that is talented with musical instrument are allowed in and new wanted to get into the club but p'mon declined since he said only people that has talents are allowed in there."i was stunned at what he said. he knew that my experience with musical instrument sucks a lot." did you get in?" new inturrupt my thought. "ummm i- i was dragged and force to join by p'mon." i answered truthfully since i didnt want to hide things from them plus we always help each other in any point of time.

they think of what i said for a few second and looked at each other,i was confused so i continue eating my favourite banana ice cream glazed with chocolate sauce.hehe >_< ; "ai non, do you like p'mon??" they both asked in unison. i chocked but shook my head sideways continuously.they stared at each other, as honestly confused if i really like p'chimmon or not arghhhhhh

-----the next day----

(chimmon's pov)

its already 3.45 and i came here to pick nannon up for practice in club,his actuallly very talented, he could already play hard chords in just a week!!!!waiyt,why am i excited for him.....we practised until we litterally forget the was already 6.30 so i asked nannon to packed up.i guess he also have much fun.

"mmm nannon lets go to the park tommorrow" he kinda froze but still agreed."oh yeah p'mon you dont have to pic me up tomorrow, i am taking my bike with me " he smiled at me. i stutterd with an ok. WHY IS MY HEART BEATING SO FAST?

I dropped nannon off and got back home.

"WHY ARE YOU HOME SO LATE?" My elder brother,pluem the evil wizard who dont deserve to live in this world."Well,well brother.why do you give a damn?you're not my brother a-ny-more" i gave him a sarcastic voice and smile.i then just walk away, i can't deal with all these bullshit anymore.

i got into the bathroom, i overthink.well,people wonder why do i hate my brother so much.our parents love us much,but not equally.even though both of us were spoiled with money,ma and pa will care for him more.i felt jealous but ive never showed until on my 13th birthday, no one showed up even ma, pa and even pluem.. but when peplum turned 15 mom and dad was so supportive.i couldnt hid that feeling forever,i just bash out my feelings on his birthday. people though it was unbelievable. p pluem then understood my feelings. he then made me more jealous. i then only had ah gong by my side.

i just thought and though i had enough with life until nannon step into my life...

non:p mon,, see you tmr!

mon:yess see you tmr:)

mon:good night!

non:you too p'!

to be continued.....


hi please comment of what you english is bad,i just want to know on how you think.thank you :)

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