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"Gil, I feel awful," Gabriela murmured softly while walking next to her twin brother. She anxiously played with the strap of her bag.

This was the first day of school for the two of them. And Gaby felt guilty leaving their father alone during his time of illness.

"I know Gaby, but we've already missed a lot of school, father will be fine on his own for now," Gilbert explained warmly.

"Besides, how will I ever get my good grades without your tutoring?"

Gaby laughed, and just like that, felt herself already feeling better. Gilbert was one of the few people who could do that to her.

The two continued to chatter on their way to school, Gaby quickly lost majority of her nervousness.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson Fido,"

The twins look over to each other at the same time when they hear a voice hiss those words.

They quicken their pace, only to be met with an appalling scene on the forest trail in front of them.

"You're a bad dog, bad little dog!"

There stood Billy Andrews, towering menacingly over a much shorter, red haired, figure, which both Gilbert and Gaby didn't recognize.

Gaby clears her throat loudly, crossing her arms in the process. The scene in front of them comes to an abrupt stop.

"Hey Billy!" At the sound of Gilbert's voice, Billy quickly turns around.

"How's it going?" Gil continues, his sister and him walking slowing towards the two. Gaby gives the boy infront of her a sickly sweet smile, while narrowing her eyes and nodding her head at her brothers question.

"Hey Gilbert, Gaby," The tall blond boy nods at them both.

"Gabriela, to you," She almost a hisses. Gilbert shakes his head softly at her remark, but looks down at Gabriela to give her a small smile.

He had gotten the height genes. Despite being twins, Gilbert was much taller then Gaby.

"Man, it's good to be back," Gilbert muses, looking between Billy and the fiery haired girl in front of him.

"Quite splendid," Gaby agrees, her words so elegant, they could made even Billy want to swoon.

Much like her brother, Gabriela was a catch. In more ways then one. And it had most of the boys at school head-over-heels in love with her. And most of the girls longing to be her friend.

The redhead in front of the three would soon come to understand why.

While Gilbert and Billy exchange pleasantries, Gaby looks over to the girl in front of them.

She gives her a reassuring smile, a smile that said don't worry, we've got you, a smile that, instantly made the redhead feel slightly more at ease.

"So, you guys playing a game or something, right?" Gilbert asks.

"I'd hope so, because if not, that'd be a disgusting way to speak to someone, Billy," Gabriela piggybacked on what her brother said.

Gilbert smiles down at his sister, the two could give anyone hell when they were together. Billy didn't stand a chance.

"It looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh?" Gilbert continues, Gaby nods, Billy seems irritated, and the mystery girl looks between the three attentively.

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