"Seems like you need to go get something then don't you." I winked at him and he immediately jumped out of the shower and out of the bathroom. I quickly tried to finish washing up my hair. He jumped back in and pressed me up against the wall of the shower once again sucking on my neck and I started to laugh.


Once we were finally clean from our various activities from the day, I dried my hair and got dressed. Taehyung was laying on the bed in just a pair of shorts reading something as I sat down next to him.

"Question." I said. He put his book down and turned towards me.


"So how do you practice your ability?" He let out a loud sigh.

"I don't really like to because I need to get into the heads of the pack members and I just feel like it's an invasion of their privacy. A couple of them usually volunteer, but I still don't like to."

"Why don't you practice with me?" We knew each other's thoughts and feelings so privacy was not really a thing between us.

"No." He said, shaking his head.

"Why not?" I said just a little angry at him.

"I don't want to hurt you and it just seems weird to be in your head." His comment made me laugh.

"You're already in my head and what could you possibly do to hurt me?"

"I don't know, but I could, maybe." He said and I moved a little closer to him.

"I need to practice too." He looked up at me confused. "Back at the cave, I gave Euric my energy so he could move the rocks and open the cave, but I stopped when I saw the pack attacking. Something happened though. He was somehow able to draw my energy out and no matter how hard I tried to block him out, I couldn't and it was painful. Usually when someone draws my energy out I just get tired, but that time, it hurt." Taehyung reached out and grabbed my hand. "So, I need to practice blocking someone out and you need to practice getting in. We're a perfect pair." I said smiling.

"We're a perfect pair for many other reasons." He said as he slowly came near me and lightly kissed me. When he pulled away, he moved a hand to my head, placing his thumb on my temple. "Ready then?" I nodded and I closed my eyes trying to focus. It was already difficult as the bond between us was melding us together. I pictured a wall and tried to put it around my thoughts. I felt Taehyung try to dig deeper in my head as if he was a mist seeking out the cracks to slip under. He was strong and I could feel the wall that I had built start to crumble a little.

"Fight it." I heard Taehyung whisper as his forehead met mine. I tried to rebuild the parts of the wall that were starting to crack as he pushed against them. I was so focused on what was in front of me that I forgot to check behind. I heard the crumbling of stone behind me and I knew that he broke through. The first memory that popped into my head was the conversation I had with Jungkook in the Gazebo. I tried to push Taehyung back out, but he was already in and it was so much harder to find him amidst my own memories. Only a couple seconds of my talk with Jungkook played back before I felt Taehyung pull back from my mind and his hand let go of my head.

"Good." He said.

"Good? I failed." I stated.

"But you made me work for it." He kissed my forehead and then laid back on his side of the bed. "You two..." He said laughing.

"Who?" I asked as I pulled back the blanket and made myself comfortable next to him.

"You and Jungkook."

"What about us?" For some reason I got nervous that he might think something was going on between us. All my past relationships had gotten jealous if I was friendly with another guy and Taehyung knew that Jungkook and I were close.

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