5 | Restless

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"There was a time when my world was filled with darkness, darkness, darkness.

Then I stopped dreaming, now I'm supposed to fill it up with something, something, something.

In your eyes, I see the eyes of somebody I knew before long, long, long ago.

But I'm still trying to make my mind up

Am I free or am I tied up?"

- Miike Snow


After they paid and brought the pizza inside, everyone dished themselves out some slices. Since it was Bucky's first time having pizza in over seventy years, he especially enjoyed the cheesy food. It was a content moment where everyone sat in silence and enjoyed each others company with one or two mini conversations brought into the fold.

Unfortunately though, Bucky remained relatively silent and averted his gaze from Tony the entire time. He still felt extremely guilty for being in his presence knowing what he had done. He was so guilty in fact that he contemplated getting up and leaving the table to go eat outside on the back step. But he kept his head down and ate in silence instead.

Opal and the others noticed and sent reassuring or comforting looks to help him. They all had the feeling until Bucky told Tony what he had done, he'd act like this in his presence. Needless to say, their comforting looks were nice - thoughtful - but it didn't help Bucky's conscience and he acted as though he wasn't present the entire duration as they ate.

Once they were all done with their pizza, Sharon then got up from her chair and gained everyone's attention.

"Well, I hate to leave you all after what we've been through, but unfortunately I have to report back with work tomorrow. I wish I could join you, but my place is here until the CIA chooses otherwise. . . So this is my goodbye."

At this, the others rose to their feet and decided to see the spy out. All except Bucky who quietly watched from the background.

"Thanks for all your help, Sharon," Steve kept his goodbye brief and offered her a warm handshake.

"We'll keep in touch." Natasha kept hers formal.

"Although I just met you, stop by the tower if the CIA is too boring. Which I'm sure it is," Tony smirked.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Sharon replied with an interested tone.

"Don't let them guys at CIA walk all over you because you worked at S.H.I.E.L.D." Sam made a light joke, causing Sharon to smile.

"I thought you'd figure me out by now Wilson."

And then it was Opal's turn.

"Um. . . Thanks for everything Sharon. I'm gonna miss you. . ." She said softly.

In all honesty, the teen never had anyone in her life, so to see just one person she's grown to like leave made her feel bittersweet. And Sharon could see that, so she quickly wanted to cheer up the teen and leave on a pleasant note.

"Hey, I'll be sure to visit some day. I mean we have to play another round of Monopoly-"

"Burn that thing." Opal immediately blurted with a straight face, causing everyone to break out in a fit of laughter.

Tony didn't know the whole story, but the teens remark was funny in itself to make him laugh.

"The game isn't that bad-"

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