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"It aint me, it ain't me

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"It aint me, it ain't me.

I ain't no fortunate son."

- Creedence Clearwater Revival


"Who's the red guy?" Bucky asked the group.

Opal let out an abrupt, curt laugh before clamping her mouth shut with her hand. Bucky turned to look at her and she cleared her throat before answering:

"That's Iron Man. He's part of the Avengers I told you about."

Bucky, still confused on the "Avengers" thing, simply nodded at her words and decided to trust that this Iron Man would be of some service.

The gang watched in anticipation as Tony, donned in his shiny red and gold suit, rose to his feet. With his Iron Man mask still down, he scanned the Hydra agents holding their weapons and made a head count. A total of thirty agents, all heavily armored and accessorized with guns, stood unmoving while his personal boss music blared.

"You've been Thunderstruck!" it came to an end as he landed his gaze on the leader in front of him.

The head Hydra agent of the group who made threats shifted his stance and tried not to shrink back from his stature. Although he appeared confident, the sweat accumulating on his forehead and the tight lip expression on his face suggested otherwise. Tony could also see his elevated heart rate with Jarvis' display.

Since nobody made a move or sound, Tony figured he'd speak up and break the silence.

"So, I'm guessing you're the red octopus gang that's been secretly hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. for the past seventy years or something?"

Opal heard his sarcastic question and snorted, causing the gang - even the evil Hydra agent - to look at her. At the sudden attention, she quickly lowered her head and sidestepped to hide behind Steve.

Once she was out of sight, the head Hydra agent cleared his throat and scoffed before meeting Tony's gaze again.

"It's common for an idiot like you to ridicule Hydra's great empire. So let me make myself clear when I say I have no time for such idiocy. We're here to collect our stray mutt. Make this easier for everyone by handing him over." He derogatorily remarked with faux confidence.

At his words, the gang watching the exchange all shifted their stance in opposition. They all knew there was no way in hell Hydra could take Bucky away again. Everyone present was ready to fight with every fiber of their being to defend him. Even Opal.

The teen gave Bucky a look that meant "we won't let them take you" and he felt somewhat at ease by her expression. Steve also gave Bucky a similar look, but he didn't feel completely reassured of the situation since he didn't know what Tony's suit was capable of.

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