•|Under the Masks|•

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5 years later

Potter Manor

  Footsteps start getting closer to the usually silent room. A creak from the door could be heard, waking a sleeping child up.
"Young Master Potter," a voice squeaked, "your family awaits your presence in the dining area. Ditsy was told to tell Young Master to dress formally, visitors will be around, Young Master!"
Harry's eyelid flickered and slowly opened. Bright rays of light from the window greeted his green eyes. He faced the door to see one of the family's house elf, Ditsy. He nodded and slowly walk towards his wardrobe, looking for a change of clothes.

  A large crowd of people gathered in the Potter Manor. Such strange ocurrence it is for Harry. They rarely invite large amount of people. Or do they? He do not know. He always prefer to be in his room, alone. There in the spotlight, is his brother, Henry. He decided to ignore the crowd who cooed at his brother and went searching for his parents.

  Not long later, he found them talking with Albus Dumbledore. How he hated that man. Everytime Dumbledore visits, his relationship with his family just become more and more distant. His thoughts were stopped by a person calling his name.
"Harry, as you know this is Dumbledore," James stated.
Harry frankly nodded showing that he acknowledged Dumbledore's presence.
"Your parents are worried, Harry," Dumbledore gravely explained, "you have never showed signs of accidental magic. I explained to your parents that you might be a squib."
Once the word squib was heared, Harry instantly paled. How could this old bat assume that he was a squib? He was mad, very mad. All the emotion he bottled up felt like bursting. His face contorted to an unpleasant expression.
"Harry, my boy, do not be sad," Dumbledore glinted.
Once Harry had his emotions under control he opened his mouth to speak.
"But what if I have it under control?" he hissed.
"What do you mean under control Harry?" Lily hopefully questioned.
"Now, Lily, that is not possible. He's just six, such control in magical children his age is unheard of," Dumbledore replied, "Harry, I know you must be jealous of your brother, but there is no need to lie."
"Why would I lie?" Harry screamed.
With this, Harry's control of his magical ability collasped. The light flickered, making the once lively room still. Harry was shocked by his sudden outburst, expecting to be reprimanded by his Father. He looked at his Father, only to be shown a glaring face. He flinched.
"Oh, Harry, thank Merlin! I really thought you were a squib," Lily cried gleefully.
"Well then Albus, I guess there is no need to send him away," James gritted.
"Indeed..." Dumbledore answered. His plan to send this Potter child away failed. He know that Harry will only be a threat, he could just see how intelligent this boy is.

  Meanwhile, Henry realised the attention his brother was getting and wailed, running towards his parents. He shoved Harry and went into their embrace. Harry, now on the floor, calmly get back onto his feet.
"Mother, Father, I suppose my presence here is not needed anymore, I'll be leaving," Harry remarked.
"Just where do you think you are going Harry James Potter?" James glared.
"Sorry?" Harry questioned, shock clear on his face.
"Word about Henry's twin travelled, now we have to introduce you to the public," James lowly growled.

  "James! Is this Harry?" Molly gushed, "My, what a charming young man!"
"Ah, yes, this is our oldest son, Harry," James gritted.
"Come on now, dear, go play with your brother and the other kids," Lily grinned.
Harry reluctantly strode to his brother, small beady eyes stared at him.
"Who's this Henry?" a redhead boy asked curiously.
"My brother," Henry replied with spite.
The evening passed by slowly for Harry, boredom evident in his face. He have no interest to be surrounded by his brother's friends.

  The day finally ends, and they were bidding goodbyes to their friends. When the last visitor exits, James' hand which is hugging Harry's shoulder squeezed Harry harshly, leaving angry red fingerprints there. Harry and James' faces met.
"Do not think that you actually deserve all this love, it was after all, just a show," James glared.
"Yes father," Harry whimpered, a tear started rolling down his cheek.
"Stop this nonsense, why are you even crying," Lily reprimanded, "you deserved this. What were you thinking? Showing magic infront of the guests! You ruined Henry's chance to shine!"
"I can't believe you! You ruined it! This is supposed to be my day. After all, I defeated You-Know-Who at this day," Henry spat, bitterness seething.
"I... I'm sorry," Harry murmured, used to this treatment.

  He was happy. His parents were acting quite kindly to him. But once they were out of the public eye, their "Perfect Family" mask faded. Hatred for Harry obvious in their eyes.
"Go to your room," James boomed, "Now!"
Harry quietly went up the creaking floorboard, letting the three people have their family time.

  Tiredness swept through him, making his eyelids flutter, without changing his attire, he cried himself to sleep. All he ever wanted was just some acknowledgement from his parents.


  "Harryyyyyyy," a creature hissed.
He was faced with a pair of eyes belonging to a snake.
"You will pay," the snake hissed again, " he will return!"
A flash of green light blocked his vision.


  Harry woke up, drenched in sweat. His sheets were crumpled and messy. His scar hurting.
"What was that?" he panted, gripping his scar.
This have never occured before. It just isn't possible. He was told that this scar appeared when he fell down his crib as a baby, yet why is it hurting as if it was a curse? A wave of memory suddenly struck him. The cold face of Voldemort sneering at him and his twin, contemplating on which to kill, the flash of green light coming towards him and bouncing off, hitting the Dark Lord.
He remembered.

  He was the one who defeated Voldemort, yet his brother took the credit. To say he was mad is an understatement. Plus, all the training his brother have is going to waste! It should've been for him. But his hatred towards Dumbledore, the beacon of Light, made him hope that Dumbledore will fail miserably.

  Harry tried going back to sleep with no success. He decided to stand in front of his window, letting his mind relax, until the morning Sun greeted him once again.

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