Chapter 6: I'M NOT O-F******-KAY!

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Y/N saw darkness before feeling like fading away. So when he opened his eyes, a white light almost blinded him, he slowly opened his eyes again to see a figure blocking the light.

A faint voice reached his ears. "He's waking up! If you can hear me, tell me your name and date of birth!" Y/n's world turned black again.

When he opened his eyes, again the white light greeted him, he felt the awful feeling of cold in his skin and a smell invaded his nostrills. He looked around and needed nothing more: he was in a hospital. He trembles as memories from his childhood invade his mind, he hated hospitals, it makes him uncomfortable. He started to shake uncontrollably, but it stopped when he felt a hand gently holding his... he turned around only to find his grandmother.


"Y/N" said his grandmother as she placed the dinner on the table. "About what happened..."

"I don't want to talk about it" he said quietly.

"You should at least hear what they have to say..."

"I SAID NO!" he slammed his hands on the table, causing it to shake. Grandmother stepped away, frightened at her grandson's action. He widened his eyes when he looked at her, then he turned his head away. "Sorry... I'm going to bed"

He went upstairs and entered his room and sat on his bed, clutching his head as he thought. 'What the hell am I doing?! I'm hurting grandma! If I keep doing that, I'll lose her...' he sighed and laid on his bed. 'Just shut up'


Y/N sweated as he kicked the soccer ball to his team mate. His lungs were feeling numb, his body ached, his throat was sore and his stomach was begging. He ignored those feelings and kept running. 'I have to get my act together, keep my head up and don't look back!'

While he was focused, the girls just came by the soccer field to watch the pratice and as usual, they would swoon over the boys' shirtless bodies. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, Blake couldn't stop herself from admiring Y/N's muscles. 'And to think I even touched that' she blushed after remembering what happened back at the pool. But now, she was more serious about it, she couldn't help herself but think about the boy, she was worried about him when he was absent from school. She wanted to know what happened to him, she wanted to call him and talk to him more and more. Was it for real? Was she crushing on him? Did she ever had a crush before? It wasn't easy to answer that, considering a certain faunus from her past, Blake didn't think she could describe her relationship with him as "romantic", but Y/N... it was another case. He didn't had anger issues, he rarely lashed out on someone, only when they insisted too much on something, he would use his semblance to make his point clear; but besides that, he was everything a girl could ask for a guy. He was kind, he was funny when he can be, even when he laughs at Yang's terrible jokes; he liked reading, something which already made him good in Blake's books; he also was a motivating guy, always encouraging people to do their best when they think they can't do it. The more she thought about, the faster Blake's heart beated. She was so absored in her imaginary world where she and Y/N walked together hand in hand that she didn't hear her friends' constant teasing about her and Y/N.

However, it was Jaune's voice that broke Blake out of her thoughts. It was only one word, said in a panicked tone: "Y/N!"

Blake shook out from her world and almost froze when she saw the unmoving body of Y/N on the ground. She didn't think twice before running up to the middle of the soccer field and knelt besides Y/N's body, shouting his name. She turned to Jaune and asked him what happened. "He's uncouncious, he fell suddenly" he said.

Don't Go Away (Male Reader x Blake)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora