Chapter 5: F.R.I.E.N.D.S (I'll Be There For You) [Actually I Won't]

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"Friends" was a strange word to define his relationship with some guys he used to play soccer with. So Y/N was surprised when he received a call from one of his "friends" from Atlas, he said that he and a couple of old friends were in Vale and invited Y/N to hang out on the weekend. He didn't know if it was only for the nostalgia factor or because he didn't know what was going on in his mind, but he accepted.


The group of Atlas "friends", plus Y/N, were eating at a diner he once went with team JNPR, the pancakes were delicious, like Nora said, but it would taste even better if the topic of the conversation was other than the bullying Y/N suffered from the older classmates back in Atlas.

"Hey, Y/N. Sorry for never standing up for you back then" one of them said.

"Nah, it's okay" Y/N shrugged smiling. "It's in the past now"

"What are you talking about?" another one, a dog faunus named Marrow asked, Y/N was told that this guy was a newbie on the soccer team. [A/N: When I wrote this story, it was way before volume 7 came out, I just kept delaying this over and over. So adding Marrow here was pretty much a last moment decision. Also, he's the only Atlas character here who has his name revealed. The others I let them be, not wanting to add the other Ace-Ops]

"When Y/N studied in Atlas, he was member of the soccer team, but the older guys always gave him a hard time. Especially when he messed up and made us lose an important match" another friend answered. "Sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to offend you"

"As I said, it's in the past" lies and more lies left Y/N's mouth. Now thinking about it, he wanted to do a little experiment, he wanted to tell them how he felt.

"But, hey, I heard Beacon started opening clubs. Have you joined any? Have you joined the soccer club there?"

"No" he said, even though he was an honorary member.

"Why? I thought you would join them the second you would hear about it" the guys kept talking and talking, until Y/N decided to throw everything in the air.

"My mom..." he said, catching his "friends'" attention. "She died. Everyday is struggle for me... everything reminds me of her... it's all my fault... I'm tired of smiling, it hurts... even breathing seems exhausting. And sometimes I think things would be better if I was dead, I even dream of dying..."

'There. Done. Let's see how it goes' he looked down to his plate, not feeling hungry anymore. He looked up to see his "friends" with confused expressions on their faces, which then turned into smiling, akward kind of expressions.

"W-what's that about?" one of them laughed.

"Yeah, what are you talking about, dude?" another one laughed as well.

"Surely you're joking, right?" the newbie smiled akwardly.

'Just as I thought' Y/N thought before laughing with his friends.

At grandmother's house

After hanging out with his Atlas' "friends", he visited his grandmother, despite her insisting him to go back to Beacon, but he countered saying he wanted to visit her and just let him do so. After spending time talking about the things she did this day, grandmother told him she was going for groceries, he nodded. As she left, Y/N went to the visitor's room, also known as his room, since he moved his things there after his mother's death, he sat on the ground and leaned against the door, holding a towel to cover his mouth to muffle his crying, as he flooded the floor with his tears.

'It's not a joke' If smiles and laughs were their reaction to Y/N's true feelings, then he supposed that if he told his friends' in Beacon, they would do the same... would they? What about... Blake? How would she feel? She told him if he ever felt sad, he could just talk to her... but would she care? Wouldn't she just say conforting words out of pity to him? He didn't know Blake too much to have an answer to those questions. The more he thought about it, the more images his mind was throwing to him. Sometimes his mind plays tricks on him, throwing him random images, he just wanted it stop. He wanted to end it all. He was a complete basket case.

"STOP IT!" he cried, closing his eyes and muffling his voice with the towel. "JUST STOP IT" his heart was aching, like it was being crushed by a trash compactor. The images didn't stop showing in his mind. He just wanted to stop it. He looked around him, trying to find something to ease his mind, but couldn't find anything. He pulled the towel away from his mouth and tried to calmly breathe. He did so for a few seconds, until he looked down to the towel in his hands.


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