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Octavia laid on her side with a towel over her eyes as she waited for the game to be over

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Octavia laid on her side with a towel over her eyes as she waited for the game to be over. Julie rubbed her back as the girl tried to block out all the noise Dean was making.

"Dean shut up. She has a concussion, you can't be loud." Julie scolded, rubbing her fingers over her friends braids.

"It's only minor. But sorry." He apologized which shocked both girls. The two guessed it was because of how close he had gotten with her brother.

Octavia rubbed her temples wuth her fingers to try to ease the pain. The medication the medics had given her hadn't kicked in yet and the pain was unbearable. She never thought she would find herself crying on Dean's shoulder while they shined a light in her eye.

The locker room door opened with a bust and Octavia groaned. Julie shushed the team when she heard her friends cries and it immediately quieted down.

"How's she doing?" Adam asked.

"I feel like I'm dying." Octavia whispered. Anything above a hushed voice made her brain feel like it was going to explode.

"Dim the lights some more." Connie instructed so the girl would be able to see her team. When it was dark enough to not aside pain, Augustus pulled the cloth from over her eyes.

"Up you go." He pulled his sister off Julie and sat her against the locker. He passed her a water bottle and she gulped it down, pressing her hand to her head.

Charlie pulled her chin up with his hand to look at her forehead. "They got you good huh."

"You should see the other guy." She tried to joke but winced when she smiled.

"Oh we did. They're all doing just fine." Averman commented, pulling off his jersey.

Just then, Coach Bombay entered the locker room with a bang. Octavia winced and felt the tears come again with the pounding that filled her head. Did he not understand the seriousness of head injuries?

"12-2. 12-2." He repeated. "You know the word comes to mind when you think of that? Pathetic." Bombay yelled. "You guys were brought here to play hockey."

"What about you?" Jessie interrupted.

"What about me Jessie?" Bombay's voice grew louder and Octavia brought her hands to her ears.

"Coach Stanson knew everything about us. They were ready for us!" Julie threw at him.

"Yea and you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to all those sponser fools." Luis added.

"Or hanging around with that Iceland lady. We saw you two Saturday night." Fulton shouted but whinced when he saw Octavia's eyes watering.

"Eating ice cream with the enemy now, huh Coach." Dean insulted.

The team erupted in questions until Adam spoke up. "O and I didn't say anything before to help the team stay focused. Now I wish we would have."

Incipient// Adam Banks 1Where stories live. Discover now