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"Ta daaaaa

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"Ta daaaaa." Don sang as he pulled a black sheet off a giant Wheaties box.. On it was the team decked out in USA gear from the photo shoot the previous day.

"Woah!" The team chorused as they admired the Wheaties box they starred in.

"Hey y'all. That's us!" Dwayne stated all giddy.


"Today it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow it's video games, action figures, lunchboxes, the sky is the limit." Don started. "Now just got make sure everybody knows who you are, try on one of these."

He held up a jersey that was decked out with the letters USA and a whole bunch of stars. It was one of the nicest jerseys the twins had ever seen.


"That's so cool!"


"Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix for all your hockey needs. Fulton here you go." He finished, tossing the jersey to the boy.

"Coach here you go." He tossed Bombay his and started to pass out everyone else's.

"Arsov." He tossed the boy his jersey. "The other Arsov." He passed Octavia here.

"Since when am I the other Arsov? I'm the better one." Octavia questioned, glaring at her brother.

"You're the best Arsov." Adam knocked her shoulder and took his jersey from Don. She smiled in victory that someone agreed with her.

"Yea right. I've got the better right hook." August gloated, admiring Kenny's jersey with him.

"You're right handed, glupyy. I'm not." She argued, pushing him from beside her. He didn't really move considering he had a good 7 inches on her.(Stupid)

"Alright alright. Quit it, you two." Julie laughed.

Bombay had made his way over to talk with the team about how cool everything was. Don had informed he had more gear to wear and that's what they needed to be wearing at all times.

Miss McKay had interrupted their excitement with the announcement that lessons would held a little later in the afternoon. She allowed them time to change into their new outfits but instructed that they had to be in the park by 3:00.

The team parted ways and the new kids made their way to the hotel. Inside their rooms, they each had an entire wardrobe of USA gear. Octavia changed into red shorts and a white shirt that had USA written on the front. She pulled on a light blue windbreaker with red striped and slipped on her white Nike's. Pulling her hair into two Dutch braids, her and Julie made their way to the park that wasn't a far ways away.

Charlie, Adam, Connie and Guy were already there and the two made their way over. Octavia plopped herself on the ground beside Adam and Charlie as she waited for the rest of the team to arrive.

"Nice jacket." Adam complimented as she noticed he was wearing the same way.

"We've got great taste." She joked, pulling at his sleeve.

"I should have worn shorts. It's hot as Hell out here." Charlie spoke up, shrugging his windbreaker off.

"A lot hotter than back home." August announced as he arrived with the rest of the team and Miss McKay.

"Alright let's settle down and get started." She advised.

"Now, Ancient Greece was the beginning of western civilization. See in Greece they didn't have professional sports or Wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason. Anybody?"

"Falafels?" Goldberg guesses, making everyone laugh.

Miss McKay shook her head. "Charlie?"

"Pride." He responded.

"That's right. The various citie states waved their flags and wore their home colors proudly."

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked.

The teams scoffed but Dean quickly came to his new friends defense.

"What? It's a good question."

"Greece is literally thousands of years older than America." Octavia explained. "Then it fell and the Romans took over getting rid of their games. They liked the gladiator pits better."

"How do you know so much?" Connie asked, intrigued at her knowledge.

"We're named after a Roman emperor and his sister." Augustus answered for his sister. "Gotta know where you come from, right."

"Octavia is right." Miss McKay nodded. "America wasn't around back then. Don't forget that compared to other countries, America is still young. Still forming it's own identity. America's a teenager just like you."

"Like us?" Jessie asked.

"You bet. A little awkward at times but always right there on the verge of greatness."

"I don't know what I've been told." Bombay sung as he drove the golf cart on front of the team. They were currently skating behind him on rollerblades as they exercised.

"I don't know what I've been told." They chorused.

"Team USA's gonna win the gold."

"Team USA's gonna win the gold."

Octavia dashed past the others and spun, now skating backwards. She giggled as she watched Charlie do the same and almost fall down.

"Listen up and listen good."

"Listen up and listen good."

Adam skated past her and she picked up her speed. There was no way she was gonna let him beat her.

"We're all headed for Hollywood."

"We're all headed for Hollywood."

The team skated past their coach and Octavia grabbed Luis hand as he almost fell from going too fast.

"Slow down, bystryy." She giggled as she pulled him on, passing all their teammates quickly. August was right on their heels as he jumped over a stick and landed beside his sister.

"Sound off."

"1, 2"

"Sound off."

"3, 4......"

Incipient// Adam Banks 1Where stories live. Discover now