Chapter 5

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The days swept by, each the same as the last. Elkeri's feathers remained a permanent dusty shade of brown now, as though all the scrubbing in the world couldn't remove the grime. Even her power feathers drooped from the weight of the accumulated dirt; they had fully sprouted in weeks ago now, dangling well beyond her jawline. Kusarel wished she could somehow remove those feathers for her friend, but there was nothing to be done. Removing or attempting to hide power feathers was a criminal offense, and Elkeri was better off alive as a farmer than pierced by a guard's spear.

Kusarel fingered the pendant on her chest, the only area that remained cool in this heat. Her mother, Salaki, had given her the pendant a few weeks back, in recognition of her hard work. She had been filled with fear at the time, wondering if she was about to be scolded for working as a farmer...and instead, her mother had brandished this gorgeous gift.

"It's for you, dear. A gift for all your hard work lately," Salaki said, dangling a strange piece of jewelry between her talons. At the bottom of a silver chain swung a gleaming pendant. Its crystal surface glistened in the light, and inside, churning waters splashed against the inner walls, as though a river had been captured within the jewel.

"...For me? You got this for me?" Kusarel waited for her mother to nod before reaching out and tentatively cradling the pendant in her claws. Cold waves radiated off its surface, cooling her battered skin.

"Just for you. I bought it from my old friend, the traveling merchant. There's real water inside; she said it was created by a water-controller and a jeweler. They plucked a full stretch of river and sealed it inside with their powers." Salaki puffed out her chest somewhat, as though she was the one who had made it. "You always loved playing in the rivers as a cub, so I thought you'd like it."

Kusarel watched the liquid shift and twist inside, constantly merging and splitting apart in a hypnotic dance. "It's gorgeous, but what if I break it?" Thoughts of violent waves cascading over the fields and undoing all the farmers' hard work ran through her mind. She could ruin everything they had worked for if the pendant cracked, and poor Elkeri would take the brunt of it, being the actual farmer.

Her mother waved a claw and chuckled. "It's incredibly durable. Why, you'd have to have super strength to break it! It would be too much even for Xaiel."

Relief washed over Kusarel as she put on the necklace, feeling the weight of the pendant against her chest. "I love it, mother, thank you! I...was afraid you'd be mad at me. For working as a farmer."

Salaki's gaze faltered, uncertainty lurking in her eyes. She didn't say anything for a few moments, instead appearing to scrutinize the nearby cabinet, displaying all their family treasures. "Well, I must admit I was torn, but given the circumstances and all," her eyes landed on Kusarel's forehead, where power feathers would have rested, "I think it's justifiable."

Her mother hadn't said anything else after that, instead whisking her out of the den. Outside, Xaiel had winked at her, leaving her to wonder how much he had to do with her mother's acceptance of the situation.

A thorny root snagged against the inside of Kusarel's ankle, jarring her back to reality. Hissing, she shook her leg a few times until its grip vanished, leaving her with a trail of blood. Beside her, Elkeri continued working unabated; her eyes were clouded over from being worked back to back without much time to rest, and her tail dragged through the dirt as though it were too heavy for her to raise.

"Kusarel, Elkeri! How're you holding up?" Xaiel called, trotting over with an energetic gait. While his feathers were far from pristine, they glowed with an inner healthiness that seemed to be missing from Elkeri lately...and Kusarel herself, for that matter.

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