I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back up at Henry, he didn't have his blanket on him, he only had my sweater covering his body, but it didn't cover hid legs, it showcased his smooth and beautiful legs perfectly. There were no scrapes, no bumps or bruises, just pure perfect. He's amazing to be around with, I want him to be mine! I sat down on his bed and looked at him again, 'he looks so cute while he's sleeping' I said to myself. I felt super tired since I don't usually wake up this late.

But I can't just sleep on their couch, that would be inappropriate, Peter's room is full of cutesy things that it might drives e crazy, and Mrs. Alison's room is her privacy so no. The only room that I can be comfortable sleeping in is Henry's room. I wanted to sleep next to him so badly but I'm scared if he doesn't feel the same way.


I yawned quietly and realized that I have to tell Henry how I feel soon, but for now I need sleep. I laid next to Henry gently and we turned his face to wards ME! It was like he recognized it was me and snuggled into my chest! 'Oh my god...Oh my god...OH...MY...GOD! Henry is snuggling with me! MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!' I tried my best to not scream of excitement. I smiled softly while blushing and put my arms around his waist, he has such a small waist that its so cute! I buried my face in his soft hair, 'He smells so good...like Orange and Flowers...' i told myself. I was content right at this moment, I want to hold him forever. I felt myself drift off to sleep while hugging him tightly.

Jenna and Alison POV:

We snuck into Henry's room where Ralph headed 30 minutes ago, Alison took a small peek inside and squealed quietly.

Jenna: *whispering* "What?! What is it?!"

Alison: *whispering* "Take a look!"

Jenna took a small peak and saw her son and Henry cuddling each other while sleeping.

We both held our squeal's in and quietly tip toed over to where our sons were sleeping and took a couple pictures of this moment! Then we left quietly and quickly ran to the kitchen to fangirl squeal.

Henry POV:

2 hours later~

*Ring ring ring* My alarm clock rang, luckily it turns itself off. I suddenly felt two strong arms hold my waist and a grey shirt in front of my face concealing a fit body. My eyes widened, I took a sniff of the person holding me and the smell seemed...familiar. I thought for a second and remembered who smelled like vanilla and lavender! '...Ralph?!...' I screamed inside my head and then carefully looked up to see Ralph's sleeping face. 'OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG...RALPH AND I WERE SLEEPING TOGETHER AND CUDDLING! He saw me in his sleeping in his hoodie...WITHOUT SHORTS UNDERNEATH!!' I started hyperventilating quietly but calmed down when Ralph hugged me tighter. I blushed hard and cuddled back.

'Hold on...how did he get in my bed? Why is he here this early?! Is this...a dream?....' I thought as my excitement faded away, this must be a dream since he wasn't supposed to come here this early, and he would never cuddle with me...he's straight...'Since this is a dream I need to get my feelings out my chest since I can't hold it anymore...I can tell this Ralph since it's just in my dreams...maybe it can give me some relief...' I thought to myself.

I started wriggling out of his hold but then he started waking up, he rubbed his eyes and turned his head to me, he blushed and started stammering.

"H-Henry! I-um, um, I didn't-I-I. Henry-" He was about to say more but I cut him off.

"Ralph... I need to tell you something so please listen..." I say, he stopped rambling and looked at me confused, but still blushing.

"OK? What is it?" He asked me, I took a deep breath and gathered up all my confidence.

Rude Ralph x Horrid Henry fanfic (fluff and lemons)Where stories live. Discover now