"An hour ago?" Hotch questions from across the table.

"Police were on the scene unusually fast." Garcia answers as her eyes look at everyone sitting around the table.

"Why?" Derek asks, picking up the file in front of him.

"One of the unsubs called them and told them that the other was about to murder the victims. He called from inside the house. According to the dispatcher, the first male sounded terrified, and begged them to get there because the other, who they both identified as Raphael, was about to kill the sinners that lived there." Garcia says quickly, pressing the remote as more images appear on the TV.

"Sinners?" Hotch asks.

Garcia nods. "The 911 center is sending me a copy of the tape."

"How fast was the police response time?" Spencer blurts while flipping through his file.

"4 minutes, 26 seconds. During which time, Raphael managed to do this." Garcia gestured towards the screen as bloody, gruesome images of Dennis and Lacy appeared on the screen.

"In 4 1/2 minutes?" Prentiss asked, almost amazed at how that was done so quickly.

"Mr. Kyle is a dot com millionaire. His company is one of the largest employers in the community. There's going to be media coverage. Also, when they arrived, the police found this displayed prominently on the bed."

Garcia clicks her remote again, and the image that appears on the screen is a page from the Bible. The verse highlighted is Revelations 6:8.

"They're killing sinners. These guys are on a mission." I mumble while reading the verse through again.

"And mission-based killers will not stop killing." Spencer adds.

"Alright, local PD wants us there soon. Wheels up in 30." Hotch says while getting up from the table.

I let out a sigh as I shut my file, shoving it in my handbag. This is going to be a long case.


I take a seat on the jet across from Emily and Morgan, and by my side is Rossi.

I watch Emily turn towards Morgan and mumbles, "This is a bad one, isn't it?"

Took the words right out of my mouth. I think, recalling my thoughts back in the conference room.

"Unsubs with a cause are never good."

Garcia cuts off Derek by cutting through the computer we have set up on the table, with new information.

"Pets, I just got the 911 call from the Georgia state police."

Garcia then patches the 911 call over, and we listen, taking in every word.

Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergency?
Caller: I'm at 1527 Chestnut Drive.
Dispatcher: I know where you're calling from, sir. What's your emergency?
Caller: He thinks they're too greedy. They have too much.
Dispatcher: Too much what?
Caller: Stuff, you know, possessions. Things they don't need. Hurry!
Dispatcher: You're calling because these people have too much stuff, sir?
Caller: No, I'm calling because Raphael — That's enough. He's calling because Raphael is going to kill the sinners that live here.
Dispatcher: I'm sorry, did you say somebody is killing someone?

"Well, unsub one definitely sounds frightened. Maybe he's doing this against his will." Emily shares, pausing the recording.

"I doubt it.. he whispered. He could've called out to save them instead of calling 911." I respond, clasping my hands together in my lap, unsure what to think about the 911 call.

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