Before him

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Before him I was lonely, I felt worthless, I was depressed and very suicidal. I would spend my nights looking at easy or painless ways to die, cutting myself, taking way too many antidepressants at once, them constantly being switched. I was in the dark and when I met him he was incredible. He would kiss my cuts, tell me he was here for me and if I ever needed to cut to call him instead, so I did and he always answered. We went for walks everyday and would spend all day kissing, holding hands, smiling and laughing. He was everything I ever wanted. Until he started getting comfortable...

You see what I never knew was that he wasn't sober when he was being like this with me. He had a drinking problem that I had yet to come across.

We were only 17 years old...

I was in the dark and I truly believed he was the light that would get me out of the hole I always felt I was in.

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