Jokes 1-9

188 11 7

1) Q: What kind of math do Snowy Owls like?

A: Owlgebra

2) Q: What did one say to the other egg?

A: Let's get crackin'!

3) Q: Where do orcas hear music?

A: Orca-stras!

4) Q:What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?

A: A milkshake!

5) Tom: I bet I can make you say purple.

Joe: How?

Tom: What are the colors in the American flag?

Joe: Red, white and blue

Tom: I told you I can make you say red.

Joe: You said purple!

Tom: I told you I could make you say purple!

6) A man was driving in his car got a call from his wife on his cell phone. She was really frantic and yelled, "Honey, I just heard on the news that there is a car going the wrong way on the highway! Be careful!" He replied, "Honey, there isn't just one, there are hundreds of them!"

7) A man was looking for a person to paint his porch, so he hired a young lady and told her what to do. After about 30 minutes, the lady came to the door and said "I'm done." The man asked "how did you get it done so fast?" The lady said "it was hard at first, but it got easier towards the end. And by the way, it's a Ferrari not a Porsche,"

8) A teacher says, "whoever answers my next question can go home." A kid trows his backpack out the window and the teacher asks "who threw that?" And the kid answers "I did! I'm going home!"

9) Why is the longest human nose only 11 inches? Because if it was 12 feet it would be a foot


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