unknown text

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Tom read your message and smiled widely , he was happy that you opened up to him but he felt bad that he could not tell you about who he is , he lied to you that he was a literature student and did some work too, you told him about being on a try to go to London for your law study's in Oxford or Stanford or Cambridge. He was fascinated by your talking style and all , you never asked him for photos neither did he ever asked you . But one day you sended picture to him which took him by aww,

Thomas: must say you have pretty eyes and yeah a beautiful face too.

You read his message and giggled. You had been using insta hidden.

Thomas: so you are a marvel fan?

Thomas asked you and you nodded even though he can't see you,

Y/f/n: yes of course I have been a marvel fan since years , what about you?

You asked him and hoped he was a marvel fan too.

Thomas: of course I am a marvel fan , but what about Tom Hiddleston are you a fan of him or just his character loki?; And for my side I respect him.

You read the message and smiled then thought for a second.

Y/f/n: well it was kinda complicated, first I was just loki fan then I started to get started with Tom and now I am a die hard fan of that man , he is like my dream man , a dream which is not possible to come true but then also I am happy that he is there because he is like a angel to me a man so good at heart and his childish behavior matches with mine but I am not so poliet with as he is .

As Tom read your text his face shinned and he felt happy even though he know he can't tell you yet about him.

Thomas: okay I see you are a fan girl but how about when he has a girlfriend?

Tom asked you making you feel a bit if pain.

Y/f/n: well if as a girl who has a love or crush on him it will feel bad and might hurt a little but if I say as a fan and he being my idiol I would be happy that he had finally found the love of his life and the way he is I can't even imagine of all the love he will shower onto her . On the other hand if I talk about the chances of me even getting to see him in reality is zero percent so I have already made my heart prepared for the day he finds the love of his life.

You poured your heart onto the text and sighed, then tapped the send button as Tom read your message he even more of started to feel for you, and now he realized that he had a crush on you. Tom smirked as he saw the last words .

Thomas: okay how about you get a chance to meet him or more what if he says he likes you?

You read the message and chuckled.

Y/f/n: don't let my imagination go wild , and yeah if I had a chance to meet him , I maybe a die heart fan but when I will he in front if him I don't think I will be able to express myself I like him but I am shy at talking face to face , if I get to meet him I fear I will speak my soul out or not speak at all but one thing is fixed I will have a hug from him. The next thing about him liking me I don't think he will I mean I am okay looking but he knows far more beautiful and amazing women's than me why would he have interest in a oval shaped drum like me.

Tom read your text and grinned , thinking what will be your reaction if he was in front of you. Then you guys talked like for a month and you requested him to help you with some scholarship thing . It was going all well but you guys had still not exchanged numbers because you lived in a joint family . Tom had sended you his number before only saying that you can call him whenever you needed.

tom Hiddleston/loki one shotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant