"how would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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one month later

much to your surprise, you and jungkook had been slowly but surely making small talk almost every day. it was strange but nice not having hana interrupt the conversation due to her possessive behaviour.

even marjo was starting to realise the difference of when jungkook was in a relationship with hana, versus when he's not. even though his heart was broken for a couple of weeks, he now looked relieved, and...free. maybe the breakup was a good thing?

"hey, uh, y/n, can i talk to you for a minute?" jungkook comes up to you during the last few minutes of lunch.

you frowned slightly and looked over at marjo who shrugged.

"uhm, sure," you coughed lightly.

"you guys can stay here, i'm gonna go find chaeyoung," marjo smiled and raised her brows for a millisecond.

once she walked away and was completely out of view, your childhood friend sat down opposite you and settled upon a strong silence. the both of you were still trying to get over the awkward stage of fixing things. it was going to take time.

all of a sudden, the raven-haired boy cleared his throat, "first off, i want to tell you how sorry i am for losing contact with you." you were shocked. "i didn't mean to forget you the way i did. it was disrespectful and i can't even imagine how hurtful it must've been-."

"what? to witness my best friend from birth choosing a bunch of popular kids over me? noooo, how could i be mad?" you sarcastically commented, the anger from what happened in the past suddenly bubbling up again.

he sighed, "y/n, i apologise for the way i was, okay? i fixed up just before sophomore year, but then, i fell in love with hana...and i agree that she was over obsessive. she absolutely hated your guts and she still does."

a frown settled upon your face, "why does she hate me?"

"because you knew me before she did."

"that is the dumbest shit i've ever heard," you scoffed, before shaking your head. jungkook was slightly shocked at your profanity, since you weren't the one to swear. you clicked your tongue, "is that the reason she broke up with you...or?" his face became unsettled again, just like how he was in homeroom those few weeks ago. initially, you started to feel bad for bringing it up. "i'm-i'm sorry, that was insensitive-."

"no, it's fine," he quickly cuts you off and taps his fingers against the wooden table. "she actually broke up with me for some college dude."

your mouth fell open a little, not exactly knowing how to react. you didn't know that anyone would be able to break up with jeon jungkook. he's attractive, smart, romantic and a whole football jock. you found it quite hard to believe that someone could fall out of love with him.

"i'm so sorry, jungkook. really. that must suck."

he shrugged, "it does...but, it's fine. i'm pretty much over her now anyways. i'm just starting to question how i even fell in love with her in the first place; she's pretty much a bitch, if i'm honest."

"well, there's this quote: a person who is in love can see no faults or imperfections in the person who is loved," you softly tell him and he chuckles.

"ahh, the wise words of shakespeare."

you frowned and smiled slightly, "you know shakespeare?"

"know him? i love his plays, especially romeo and juliet." you stared at him in complete awe. you didn't know your childhood best friend would grow to like someone like shakespeare who's a playwright. for some reason, you were quite impressed. "anyways, enough about hana. i wanted to ask you for a favour."

the game of love | j.jk x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن