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"I don't know what's happening to me"
-Something's Kinda Crazy-

"MOOOM YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!"Athanasia look at her daughter as soon as she heard she screamed.

"what's wrong? What happened to you?"asked her. She put the newspaper on the table and gave her daughter a drink. Lucy, Athanasia's daughter sit next to her and drink it. She took a deep breath before she started.

"when I was at Obelia's Pizza, someone call me and..."


"this is Obelia's Pizza. What can I get for you?"


"order sir?"

"are you pretty?"


"great! Can you be my girlfriend?"


"I asked you if you can be my girlfriend"

"and you think I'll say yes?"


"then why you asked?"

"I just interest with a pretty girl who said they're ugly"

"you said I'm pretty?"

"black hair, blue jewel eyes, and your hair have a nice cut. I like it!"

"wait, where are you? No, who the hell are you?"

"I'm your future boyfriend and I'm watching you"


"that's my future mother-in-law's nickname!"

"w-what? Future mother-in-law?"


"I didn't get it. Do you want to order or not?!"

"you're scary. Hm...can I get Quattro Ultra Combo?"

Obelia's Pizza (wmmap) {1} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now