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The said boy turned around to the owner of the known voice.

"What's up?"

The brunette asked, looking at the tall boy infront of him up and down. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Johnny. Just stick to the point. I know you got something to tell me, so just say it."

"Jaehyun is cheating on you."

Of course. He gets reminded of that again. But what shocked him is that Johnny, Jaehyun's bestfriend told Taeyong about it.

"Why are you telling me this.. You shouldn't have, Jae could get mad at you.." Taeyong asked, looking down to the ground as his heart was stinging.

"I know, I know. Even though he's like a brother to me. I had to tell you, it was the right thing to do." Johnny said, looking at the shorter male infront of him with pity.

"Taeil said that Doyoung and him have told you before so I had to tell you too.. But Taeyong.." The said boy looked up at him, eyes wet and glossy from tears.

"How long have you known about this?" He then continued, catching Taeyong off guard with the question.

"Far too long!" Suddenly a voice yelled which made both males startled. Especially Taeyong.


"I've told him since who the fuck knows but he's still with that fucking guy! It's been far too long, Taeyong. Far too long. Leave him or I'll have to tell him for you!" Taeil was mad and dissapointed, looking at the male who was so fragile, weary and desperate made him feel so bad for him.

"Look, Taeyong.. I know about your parents.. And I just wanna say that you got me, you got Doyoung. You got Johnny, I guess. So you won't feel alone, you won't be alone. We're here for you and you can find someone new. There are plenty of fish in the ocean, Tae." Taeil said with a softer voice, placing his hand on the younger's shoulder comfortingly.

That made Taeyong much more sad, the sensitive topic of his judgeful parents hurts him way too much.

And that's when it broke.

Tears fell from Taeyong's eyes drastically. The eldest among them embraced Taeyong in a hug.

The boy sobbed, making it hard to breathe for himself. People were looking at them with pity and a feeling of empathy.

"There, there, Taeyong.. Let it all out" Taeil pat the brunette's back, not wanting Taeyong to hold the stress any longer, not wanting Taeyong to keep this one sided love going any longer.

"Taeyong.. You know what you need to do right?" The boy nod in responce, he didn't want to make eye-contact. He was embarrassed and he felt helpless.

"Taeyong, I know you love him so much, I can see it in the way you look at him. Everything you do is always good for Jaehyun, but you gotta look at yourself." Johnny said, ruffling Taeyong's hair which resulted to Taeil sending him a death glare for messing up Taeyong's hair.

The boy was still crying but atleast his sobs had stopped. He appreciated the two's comfort.

"I'll have to get home now, I gotta go do errands.." Taeyong said, drying his cheeks and eyes with his hand even though it will be wet from tears again.

"Want me to accompany you there?"

"No, I'm not a baby" Johnny chuckled at the responce, again ruffling Taeyong's hair.

"Alright then, be careful Tae" The younger flashed a sad smile before leaving the two older males.

He walk along the sidewalk, his head low and eyes were focused on the floor while his brain roamed wild with thoughts.

Should he really leave Jaehyun? But he loves him too much.

He can't leave him.

It would hurt him and it could possibly hurt Jaehyun..

Would he be hurt and heart-broken if Taeyong left him?


He heard a high-pitched meow coming from beside him.

He whipped his head at the sound to see a little kitten in the middle of the street, laying there.

Thank God the streets were empty and no cars were passing by or the kitten might have already been run over by one.

The male looked left and right before walking to the kitten. He picked it up and carried it back onto the sidewalk.

The kitten was black in colour and was very small in size. It was such an adorable kitten which made Taeyong melt in seconds.

Suddenly the thoughts about Jaehyun dissappeared and he was now focused on the little kitten in his arms.

Should he keep the kitten?

Or should he just let it free?

Taeyong looked around to see if it's mother was around.

But there was no sign of any cats around, so this poor little kitten was most likely abandoned.

He didn't have the heart of leaving the poor kitten on the streets alone, so he decided to keep it.

He walked along the sidewalk, the kitten on top of his left arm while his right hand was used to hold his phone which he used to search up the things needed to raise a kitten.

The day went on just like that, he brought the kitten to the vet to check if it had any injuries or illnesses and of course went to do errands.

He was distracted by the kitten which was a good thing, so he wouldn't think about Jaehyun and their problems.


"Taeyong? Why are you crying??"

"My dad.. He told me that I'm no longer his son.. He-he said that I was a disappointment and-and was ashamed to ha-have a son like me.."

"Taeyong, don't worry. Stop crying, I'm right here. Don't listen to them, you're not a disappointment, and never will be."

"Jaehyun.. you love me right?"

"Of course I love you.."

The Pretty Lies You Tell | Jaeyong   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now