"Obviously, Sally's on your side." Harry said, hardly able to contain his own laughter. Niall grinned.

"Ok. Where is my true love right now?"

"Girl, I'll be right here by your side. Give you all the love, I've got to give. I'm swimming in your eyes." Niall blushed again and looked at Harry. This time, Harry was blushing too.

"Alright, we're almost there, but I'll go one more time." Harry said after awhile. They both had been sitting in an awkward silence ever since the last song. It seemed that the radio was that annoying friend trying to set their best mate up on a blind date. "What does my true love look like?" Harry asked, leaning back in his seat. There was no way that the radio could connect this to Niall.

"Harry, I don't think it can-" Niall began, but was cut off by the radio.

"-There goes that stupid guy with the short blonde hair." The song promptly ended, as did any further comment from Niall.

"Oh. Well then." Harry muttered.


They pulled up outside of the arena 10 minutes later, and Niall's whole body buzzed with nerves. For a few reasons actually.

One, he had never been to a concert. And two, unfortunatly, being a short, skinny lad with a nice arse usually blew over a bit too well in large crowds. He knew that he was going to basically be manhandled in there, and despite what he had told Harry, it wasn't a turn-on unless it was someone he liked doing it. Not some crusty middle-aged man with a ponytail. Niall shivered with fear.

"Hey! Earth to Niall!" Harry called, bringing Niall back. Niall blinked a few times before looking at Harry.

"Yeah?" Niall asked softly, his voice shaking from the nerves.

"Are you ok? You look pale love." Harry said softly, pressing his hand to Niall's forehead as if checking for a fever.

"I'm fine just, nothing." Niall felt embarressed to tell Harry about what had frightened him.

"Tell me." Harry persisted. He figured Niall was nervous about meeting the band afterwards, but remembered that he hadn't told Niall that part yet.

"It's just, when I was blonde, a lot of guys I didn't know, tried to uh-" Niall felt like he was trying to tell a father this instead of Harry. It was a lot more awkward than it should have been.

"Go on." Harry prompted.

"They would like, grab me arse." Niall muttered, flushing pink. Harry felt his heart melt at Niall's cuteness, but then processed what Niall had said.

"Don't worry babe, I have your back. They won't mess with you, ok? If anyone touches you, tell me." Harry demanded, not helping Niall's already intense blushing. Niall nodded and got out of the car.

"Ok Haz." Niall whispered, following Harry into the small arena type building. Harry didn't turn around, but put his hand out behind him for Niall to grab. Niall felt dizzy as he wrapped his hand in Harry's. It was so amazing to Niall how Harry didn't care about holding hands with a guy in public, and just did it so naturally. Harry guided them inside and to the inner gate where the gaurds scanned your tickets. After Harry had produced both of the tickets and handed them to the guy checking, the guy handed them both back a necklace with a small pass clipped to it.

"Enjoy the show." The man said, hitting a button that made the turnsile move. Harry and Niall progressed through, but were soon pulled into a thrumming crowd of people, specifically older people. Niall hadn't mentioned to Harry about his claustrophobia so as not to be a killjoy, but it seemed that now would have been a good time to say something. Niall felt his breathing spaz, and he began to panic, feeling that Harry's hand wasn't enough. Niall had never been good with crowds, and this one was obviously no exception. Harry turned around to see why he was basically dragging Niall along and saw the boy give him an alarmed look. He wasn't sure why Niall looked so frightened, so instead of stopping to calm him down in the midst of this giant hoard, he decided on pulling him closer, so that they were hip to hip, and wrapping his arm around Niall's heaving shoulders. Niall instantly relaxed with Harry's arm around him, and tried to pretend that they weren't trapped in a building filled with people, but in a wide open field with lots of fresh air. Niall breathed in, and nearly had a coughing fit. The whole building smelled like alcohol, cigarettes, sweat, and desperation. Niall moved closer into Harry's side.

Neighbors ☹☻ narry ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें