"Alice wanted me to get ready here, I guess she wants Bella to do the same thing"I tell him

"Well, everything is ready, why don't both of us women get ready"Esme suggests

"Ok"I said

I kissed Carlisle on the cheek and followed Esme to a room. We got changed for the party.


I was at the bottom of the steps waiting for Bella to come down with Edward. I was wearing a bodycon dress with heels.

  I stood beside Esme with Carlisle's arms wrapped around me

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I stood beside Esme with Carlisle's arms wrapped around me. Bella came down with Edward and smiled at me. I hugged her making her hug back. I then saw a flash in the corner of my eyes making me look and it was Alice.

"I saw it in your bag. Don't mind?"Alice asks Bella

Bella shakes her head and Edward walks over to Bella. Alice took a picture of them together and then took a picture of me and Carlisle together. I laughed at her because she made a funny face at me and Carlisle.

"Let me see the picture of Edward and Bella"I tell Alice

"Later. First things first, presents"Alice says

Rosalie walked over to Bella and handed her a small box. I heard a little jingling sound in the box meaning it was a necklace or bracelet.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out" Rosalie tells Bella

"Thanks"Bella says

"Here's mine"Emmett tells her

Emmett hands Bella a wrapped up box. Bella then shook it and I heard nothing from it. Bella and I looked at him for confirmation.

"It's a new radio. Already installed it in the truck. Finally some sound in that piece of sh-"Emmett was cut off

"Hey! Don't hate the truck"Bella tells him

"And language young man. I don't want to corrupt my sister's head" I said

"Yes, mom," Emmett says

I blushed still not used to them calling me mom. I smiled at him.

"We thought you could use some son. You're getting quite pale"Daniel says

Esme handed Bella a envelope. Bella goes to open it only to get a paper cut. Edward pushed Bella back into a glass table and Carlisle hands me to Esme.

I was confused until I heard a snarl. I looked up and saw Jasper charging towards Bella. Edward pushed him back causing Jasper to hit and break the piano in the room. I gasped and ran over to Bella.

"You ok?"I asked her

"Yeah. I'm fine" Bella tells me

I looked up and saw that most of the family had left outside. Carlisle ran over to me and Bella. I had my hand on Bella's wound to put pressure on it. Carlisle moved my hand away, so he can help Bella.

I stood beside Bella as Carlisle stitched up her arm. After he finished Edward took Bella home. When they left, the family came back in. Carlisle wrapped his arm around me for safety reasons.

"Mother, I am sorry about the attack. I couldn't control myself"Jasper says to me making me look at him

"It's fine. Carlisle told me some parts of you all's past. I understand"I said

"I think it's time for you to go home," Carlisle tells me

"Ok. Bye"I said

I then walked out of the house to my car. I got in and headed home.

 I got in and headed home

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1052 words

Bella's Older Sister/ Twilight fanficWhere stories live. Discover now