Chapter 10- Terms and Conditions part 1

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My hands began to tremble as what Cole just said sank in, and without thinking I whispered out the word he was looking for before I could stop myself, “Blood...” I said as I began to shake my head in refusal. No, I thought. They want to feed on me? That’s insane! I said to myself.

“That’s right doll, you will be personally assisting me and my brothers by letting us feed on you whenever we please,” Cole confirmed and in an instant I shot up from my chair and backed up quickly hitting the wall near the dining room entrance in the process, “No!” I shouted my thoughts out loud to the three men in front of me, not even wanting to here anymore, “No, I won’t do it, you can’t make me,” I said defiantly to each of them. 

Tears started to stream down my face as I stood weakly against the wall. And before I could understand what was happening, all three men out of their seats before I could blink, the tears that were clouding my vision, away. 

At that moment time seemed to stop as in an instant the three men, with a quickness came to stand right in front of me. Each closer than needed as their dark eyes bored into mine making my soft sobs cease as that weird and intense feeling started to take over me once again. 

It was the same feeling I felt when I was coming down the hall to meet them earlier and it was the same feeling I got whenever Cole was way too close to me. But now the feeling was the most intense I had ever felt it before to the point that it felt like it was taking my breath away. 

Before, I had thought the feeling was fear, but now I knew that was not the case. And as I realized that the words of the nice maid echoed in my head, ‘Your misreading the emotions your feeling,’ I understood now what she meant by that and even though I had no idea what this overwhelming feeling was exactly, I did know that it wasn’t fear, it was something way more consuming than that.

A soft but firm hand connecting with my neck brought me out of my thoughts as an intense shiver ran down my neck leaving a trail of heat in its wake as it traveled all the way to the tips of my fingers. I gave a stunned gasp as my eyes focused back on the three vampires before me. The hand that I was feeling was that of Cole’s and as I locked eyes with him another round of intense shivers went through me as two more hands were placed on my arm and one snaking to the small of my back. 

What was happening to me, what was going on? I thought to myself as I stood speechless and frozen in place as Cole and his brothers stood around me locking me in with no place to turn. 

“Doll, you really don’t have a say in the matter,” said Cole, referring to what I had just said moments ago, in a husky tone.

“And it’s not just because of the contract Darlin’,” Kendall whispered into my ear.

“Your body wouldn’t let you deny us of any request even if you tried, Love,” said Jayden in my other ear.

After Jayden said that I managed to get out a breathy, “What?” before Cole spoke again.

“I’ll admit, it wasn’t a coincidence that I ran into you at the park the other night Amelia. But we’ll get into that soon enough, right now we have a few more terms and conditions to discuss... or maybe my brothers and I will have a drink first. What do you think Kendall?” Cole directed the last part to Kendall who gave a grin my way before speaking, “I think that’s a great idea brother, all this talking has left me a little parched.”

“Yeah Cole, I think a little taste is just what I need,” Jayden said from the other side of me. 

“Or even better,” Cole said as he began to run his large hand down my neck some more, “We could explain the rest of the terms and conditions as we have a little drink. Yes I think that is exactly what we’re going to do.”

I stiffened as what they were about to do clicked in my head, not even having the chance to think about what Cole just admitted earlier. Standing frozen in place on trembling legs, the Sullivan brothers moved in closer on each side of me until each one of them was flush against me. I took a sharp intake of breath in as soon as I felt their rock hard chests rest against my front and sides and closed my eyes as I fearfully awaited the pain that I knew was about to come.

To Be Continued... lol 

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