Caught in the pool

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It was a long day for Tom. On and offset, he found out that Nadia was using him for money and fame. Then he had to act and put on a happy face for filming his movie. After a long day, Tom decided to go to the hotel pool. It was a humid night filled with silence. He got into the pool with his swim trunks on and sat on one of the steps. He was quietly fiddling with his fingers. He just couldn't believe what was happening. 

Nessa came in with her black two-piece:

Nessa came in with her black two-piece:

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*A mental image for you because I like making mind movies :) *

She slowly approached Tom who was quietly sitting in the pool thinking about the whole day.

"hey," she said in a soft voice

Tom turned around and smiled at her "hey um-what are you doing here?"

"what, I can't swim in here?" she said trying to lighten the mood

Tom let out a small laugh. Nessa took off her oversized shirt that then revealed her two-piece. Tom stared at her legs.

" Well thanks for subtly checking me out," Nessa said while laughing

Tom started to blush a little and got a bit embarrassed. Nessa dipped her feet into the pool and then her whole body with her hair in a top bun. They sat next to each other in the pool and Nessa said:

"look, I know that a lot happened today and I just want you to know that I'm here for you"

"Thanks, Nessa," Tom said smiling at her

Nessa looked back down staring at the water. 

" I don't really want to talk about it... whatever happened today probably happened for a reason. So I'm trying to look on the bright side." Tom said trying to hold back his tears.

"Well if it makes you feel any better," Nessa said "You got 40 million followers on Instagram! And I got 2 million followers on Instagram!"

Tom laughed "Still putting those horny captions?"

"what?! No, I am not!" Nessa said crossing her arms

"Oh come on! I don't want to scroll all the way down your profile! Just tell me a few captions that you remember!"

"Fine, this caption wasn't horny but, I posted a picture of me wearing my glasses and said 'when you have to fail your eye exam to get glasses-'"

"wait you don't need glasses?"

"what? of course, I need glasses! I was just making a joke! Anyways, somebody commented on the post,' You may have failed your eye exam but I could make you pass your pregnancy test.'"

Tom's eyes started to get wider "Excuse me what now?"

"I know right? So I removed the comment but all my followers know about it so it's not completely erased. "


"Oh and I remember another one. I posted a picture of me in this red dress with red lipstick laying on the bed and the caption was 'If you kiss me, I may let it happen" 

Tom's eyes got even more wider and then relaxed them"Oh come on it's not that horny!"

 Nessa scoffed. "Well, that's all I remembered. I probably deleted the rest."

There was a minute of silence in the pool then Tom asked something to break the silence 

"If I were to kiss you... would you let it happen?" Tom asked as he looked at Nessa 

Nessa started laughing "What?! You kissing me? I mean I know that your single looking for the perfect girl, but aren't we just friends?"

Nessa started to laugh uncontrollably. Tom looked at her with a serious face.

"Oh wait you're serious?" Nessa asked as she stopped laughing.

"Nessa, you are brave, beautiful, independent, and fierce. Any guy would be lucky to have you and I don't know how your ex-boyfriend didn't see how lucky he was. When I caught you at Harry and Sam's party, I knew right then that I have feelings for you." Tom said while looking at Nessa.

"Yes," Nessa said

"huh?" Tom said with his confused British accent.

"Yes, I would let you kiss me," Nessa said as she blushed a little bit. 

Tom lifted her thigh so that Nessa was sitting on top of him in the pool.

Kind of like this ^ but instead Nessa is sitting on top of Tom with her all-black swimsuit and Tom with his swim trunks on

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Kind of like this ^ but instead Nessa is sitting on top of Tom with her all-black swimsuit and Tom with his swim trunks on. Also if you know what movie this picture is from comment it! let's see who knows!

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this," Tom said quietly 

Nessa smirked and she slowly put her arms around Tom's neck. "Well, now you don't have to wait anymore."

Their lips came closer towards each other and right when they were about to lock lips, a security guard puts his flashlight on them causing Nessa and Tom to look at that direction.


"Oh my god! We're so sorry! We didn't know!" Nessa said while she was still on top of Tom.

"Well, now you know! So stop making out in the Pool! ThAt'S DiGuStInG!!" 

Nessa got off of Tom and got out of the pool. They grabbed their belongings and Tom went back to his hotel room. As they reached his door he said

" You must be cold, here come inside and I'll get you dried up!" Tom said trying to forget what just happened.

"Sure, I am cold and wet so I guess I'll dry up here," Nessa said as she was embarrassed too.

Nessa entered his hotel room wrapped around a towel. 

"You should go take a shower first," Tom said showing Nessa the bathroom.

"No it's okay, you should go first, you're the one who had a long day." Nessa said smiling

"You sure?" Tom said.

"Yes, I'm sure," Nessa said while she was still smiling.

Tom entered the bathroom while Nessa was watching TV.

                                             TO BE CONTINUED!!

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