How they met

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Tom Holland was at his premiere for one of his new movies called Onward. Starring Tom and one of his good friends, Chris Pratt. He had a great time there celebrating his accomplishment. At the after-party where only certain people could attend it, Tom decided to get drunk. He did work extremely hard on the movie. So he decided to get drunk and party up on the rooftop. Tom, Harrison ( his BFF), Harry, Sam, and a bunch of other female celebrities decided to play spin the bottle with the empty glass beer bottle. They all took turns spinning the bottle, kissing each other. When it was Tom's turn to spin, it landed on a beautiful, stunning woman. Tom couldn't wait to kiss her. They slowly went towards each other and kissed. Tom started to blush and so did the girl. 

After the game was over and everyone was ready to head home and call it a night. Tom had a conversation with the girl he had kissed.

" Hey,  um Nadia right?"

"yep! that's me. Your the one and only Tom Holland right?"

" yeah! So I don't know, I might regret saying this but I felt like we had a moment when we kissed in the spin the bottle."

" I felt it too."

they both started to blush a little bit.

" So maybe you wanna go grab some dinner on Friday?"

" That sounds lovely! Here's my phone number."

They both exchanged phone numbers and head back home. Tom was like a happy bird and felt like he found his true love, he thought it was a perfect match.

                                                               F        R        I      D         A       Y 

Tom and Nadia got some dinner at a fancy restaurant. After that, Tom invited Nadia to come over to his house. Nadia agreed and they both got into Tom's car. As Tom was unlocking the door, Tessa comes jumping in and starts to lick Tom everywhere. When Nadia stepped her foot inside, Tessa started to lick her shoes. Nadia was disgusted and horrified. She said in her mind, " Ugh, this creature is licking my expensive designer shoes!" Tessa didn't have a great feeling about her, but he saw how madly in love Tom was with her. So Tessa decided not to bark and let her be. But she knew something was just shady about her.

After a couple of dates and road trips together, Tom and Nadia decided to make their relationship official. They have been dating ever since. In fact, in a week, it's going to be their 6 month anniversary! 

Tom Holland X Vanessa Merrell: A Perfect MatchWhere stories live. Discover now