Part 1

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In the deep oak woods, there is a small village of different types of Pokemon that live together and thrive in the little village. The sun shines through the trees and the nearby lake and river waters every day.


"Look at the trees mommy! They're so tall and covered with leaves!" A small but normal Eevee exclaimed, using one of her paws to point up at some tall trees and gestured towards a bigger Flareon walking beside the Eevee. "Yes dear. In this part of the forest, there are lots of big trees like this." "They're so cool! Why can't we live here like my cousin does?!" the Eevee whined, moving closer to her mom as her eyes shined, "Well, we do live somewhere else, but... maybe we'll be able to visit here more often!" The Flareon responded, "But mum, it's so pretty too! What other things are out here?!" The Flareon put a paw on the Eevee's shoulder- "Ryn, Ryn- calm down. Please calm down. If you'll calm down I'll let you explore this place a little bit before we get to your cousin's. But when you get back I'll be at her house, alright? You know where it is- right? And you won't get lost or talk to strangers?" "I won't mommy! I promise!" "Okay, I'll see you soon! Don't be too long!" Ryn grinned and skipped off as her mom sighed and shook her head, continuing to walk towards the town where her sister- Ryn's aunt and Ryn's cousin lived.

"Ooh! Look at this!" Ryn said, looking around at the berry bushes and some of the trees- the leaves reflecting in the early afternoon sunlight. Then her eyes caught a glint of a river and she squealed and began to follow it and then she got to the edge of it, dipping her paw in the water. She followed the river until it led to a big lake where she gasped again and began to waddle in the water, not minding the few other Pokemon that were playing there. Though it being mid January, it was surprisingly warm and Ryn began to doggy-paddle through the shallow end of the lake.

As she got to the middle over time, she got quite tired and huffed silently, rolling onto her back as she looked up to the sky. She felt chilled and it wasn't because of the water. Then she saw some white flakes falling from the sky. "S-snow!" Ryn exclaimed and began to paw up at the falling flakes until they began to flow from the nearby clouds fluently. The water began to chill even more until it felt like it was mid-winter, but Ryn didn't notice, playing with the snow until she shivered. "The water's so cold... maybe I should swim back to shore..." she said, turning back into her doggy paddle position when she began to sink, "Huh!? Why am I s- I-It's so cold! I- stay up!" She struggled to stay above the water, paddling and pushing everywhere until her mane went under water, "A-ah! HELP!" She shrieked as she splashed once more, going underwater.

A nearby Vaporeon was walking along the shore, wadding in the water as he watched the snow fall to the ground, and then looked up when he heard the splashing, "What is that...?" He asked himself, and then saw the splashes and two brown paws sticking up from underneath the water, and then gasped, "Oh my gosh-!" He shouted and then pounced into the water, pushing his paws and tail back and forward, creating an easy swimming current as he swam through the water towards Ryn. Then as his eyes focused on the blurry Eevee slowly sinking in the cold, he dashed forward once more and gripped onto her body, realizing that she was unconscious, and swam to the surface, holding her.

As he brought her up, a flurry of snow had been occuring, and he looked around. Where was there to go?  He couldn't see through the water or snow, but the only thing he could she was the nearby cave that had a huge pile of snow on the top. He nodded, going underwater and dashing quickly towards the cave, and then as he got onto the earth again, he placed her down, but the snowstorm was getting so bad that he grabbed her again and dashed towards the cave, sliding into the icy cave just as a bunch of snow blocks fell in front of the cave entrance.

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