Unleash the Beast

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Imagine, if you would, making a promise to finish your chapter as soon as possible and then breaking your laptop like a damn moron. That would be just stupid right? In any case, this is Loooooong overdue so I'll let you get into it and I'll answer any questions you want as payment for wasting all your time.

Nobody else noticed. Nobody but him. He heard it's cries, felt it's intent, felt its eyes upon him. He was helpless to ignore the itch at the back of his skull, directing him to it's singular purpose.
Their blood felt hot inside him, burning every vessel that contained it. He was a part of him now, an affront to the Siren's wishes, but something she thought to be a gift.

Soon he would be dead, the preparations already being made, but his strength could live on through him, helping her conquer this new world for herself. It was his destiny.

"You feeling alright?"

Six's vision refocused on the ship's interior, seeing that Vasquez was standing in front of him, the Marine waving his hand back and forth in front of his eyes. Six put on a smile, unable to think of why he had just zoned out.

"Never felt better."


"-o -llo -ot the time to be taking a power nap." Distant echoes called out the Slayer, just past the curtains of black that had voided out the world around him. Lift as he may though, he could not pry them from their positions. He was most certainly dead, something he had though impossible for the longest time.

At least he had one hell of a story to tell up to the end. It isn't everyday one gets sucked into a different dimension, hit with a sky boat, and lets the end ring out with a boom. He felt at peace though, despite never finishing his campaign against Demon or Covenant, in this moment he felt his anger give way to acceptance. He had escaped his singular design and actually developed a little bit of something resembling a personality, desires, a path that was his own. He even had a friend, if such a thing were possible. Things were far from ideal, but it had been a start. It was far better than the haze he had endured for years down in hell. And now he could let it all go...

"I didn't wanna have to do this." A pulse rippled throughout the Praetor, jolting the lucid Slayer from his state. Eyes opened, ears heard, and it all came flooding back to him.

A cacophony of chattering death and bestial roars filled the placid emptiness his mind had simulated. No more shrouded in darkness, the sacrificial position he was held in became apparent.

"You're awake now right?" D.O.T. hovered nervously on the left side of his visor. "You gotta pull yourself big man." His attention however, was drawn to the witch, floating just a few inches away from him. She lowered herself to meet his gaze, her clawed hand outstretch to take hold of his helmet. Her talons scraped against his helmeted chin, lifting his gaze to the ritual she was performing. Then she spoke, if you could call the guttural metallic squealing speech. He couldn't describe what he heard, as was the nature of their hellish communication, but he understood her intent. She was boasting the way she intended him to die, and it wasn't looking good.

"There's a large spike in Argent Energy, something's happening."

The Ship shuddered, and the power cut out for a brief second, only the red hellish glow of the opening rift behind the witch. A circle of kneeling knights stood below the otherworldly crack in space and time, and the Slayer watched as something slipped through. It was not noticed by any of the demons, hitting the ground and rolling a few feet away from the circle. The Slayer felt his eyes widen as he recognized the little orb by it's berserker symbol and red hue. He wasted no time in explaining it's significance to D.O.T. in as few words as possible. She quickly focused her attention on it.

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