"Here's The Plan."

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You awoke the next morning, the sweet sound of Michael's snores ringing in your ears. You studied his sleeping face well. He looked so peaceful somehow. You really did hope he would warm up to you, just a little. Even if you were fucking him over, you low key wanted to be fucking him. He was very attractive, well built figure, 6'2" with blue eyes and dark hair. The walking definition of tall, dark, and handsome. 

Your cell phone began ringing a high pitched little chirp, causing the man to awaken, unclear of his surroundings at first but then making an annoyed face when he figured it out. His face softened just a little when he saw you clinging the french silk sheets to your body, your (e/c) eyes blinking softly at him.

"(Y/N)." You answered pointedly. It was your right hand man on the phone, Ivan. His tone sounded apologetic as he gave you the details of the situation. The heist was off until you could get one of the two men you kidnapped to help you pull it off. One of the Frenchmen had gone mute and refused to speak, and the other demanded to see you. Its not as if you could have him go on living and knowing what your face looked like. Who did that little prick think he was exactly? He worked at a god damn museum, and you were a god. 

Michael watched your expressions closely. He knew exactly how you felt, and felt a small connection to you for a moment. It was extremely hard for him not to be attracted to you. In some small ways you reminded him of himself when he was younger, just caught up in the game. He couldn't help but feel that he wanted to help you in some way. 

"Okay fine. They want to play, then we can play." Your eyes darted to Michael. He was already proving to be more useful than you thought.  "Send a car." After hearing Ivan respond you hung up the phone. "We're going some where get dressed." You winked at him, he grumbled. 


The car pulled to an abandoned warehouse. It was about mid-day when you had gotten there, seeing as you decided to have the driver pull over so Michael and you could have some brunch before. French food was certainly a thing to behold, might as well take advantage of your surroundings. Fully immerse yourself into the luxury. You took a breath in and sighed before stepping out of the car, the driver opening it for you automatically. 

Michael though it was incredibly creepy how all of these men that worked for you seemed to work with an almost robotic efficiency. He figured that he'd probably have time to ask you why since you were... married. He could only imagine Jimmy and Tracey finding out. Slowly he stepped out of the black foreign car, shielding his eyes from the sun as he did. 

You, of course, were already in a stylish pair of your favorite sunglasses. No doubt that they were some sort of designer brand. Your outfit today consisted of a (f/c) skirt suit, and killer high heels. It was quite a beautiful day in Paris, actually. You walked in the warehouse, your on of your men, Chen, waiting to escort to you to where they were keeping the men they kidnapped. 

"And these two have not been reported missing?" You asked him. 

"No, both of them had these days off, and they live alone. We were very careful in the selection. Both men have no real family ties here and will not be missed."

Michael followed behind you two, already not liking where this was going. The Chinese man beside you handed you a hand gun with (f/c) accents.

You were led to a basement where two french men were tied to separate chairs. Both were beaten and bruised looking, however there was a stark contrast between the two men. One looked like a hollow shell of a man, as if he was broken in just an instant. It really was a pathetic sight. The other man, however showed a fire, and rebellion in his eyes. 

"Ah, alors la garce se montre! Tu penses que tu peux juste me commander? Va te faire foutre, mangeur de hamburgers." He spit in your direction.

You looked to your top man, Ivan, "Did he just call me what I think he called me?" You asked. He nodded at you. You looked at the saliva on the ground. Without hesitation you cocked your gun, put it to the mans forehead, and pulled the trigger coldly. 

"Jesus Fuck!" Michael erupted, "You didn't have to do that!" He exclaimed. 

You turned and looked at him, "He wasn't going to cooperate anyways, now this one..." You put the gun up to the other mans cheek. The man sprung to life, you assumed he was pleading for his life, so you had Ivan translate for you to be sure. Indeed he was. This was your man on the inside. You handed the gun back to the man who had given it to you. "Ivan, can you translate my speech for our man here?"

The large, Russian man nodded at you, and as you spoke, he spoke in elegant, and excellent french. "If you cooperate, and do everything we ask, then you can go on living as if nothing ever happened. Got it? You and my friend here-" You gestured to Michael, "Are going to be at work after hours as usual, but you're going to make sure that we can get our hands on, and swap out a few paintings. No one will know the difference, I assure you." You patted him on the shoulder. 

"Ec-fuckin-scuse me?" Michael asked. "I can't speak french, how the fuck do you expect me to get in?"

You reached into the dead man's pocket, pulling out his wallet. After about 3 seconds of going through its contents, you handed him a pass code card. 

Michael took it from you and looked at it, and then showed it back to you. "We don't look anything alike."

You sighed. "I have guys for everything. Like your- Lester was it?Here's the plan. They'll take your picture and forge into a perfect copy then voila~" You made a grand gesture with your arms. "The pictures should be finished about three days, and the heist is in five."

Michael had to admit he was impressed. At least his second wife was organized, strong, capable, but ruthless. But for some small reason he found himself growing more attracted to you, how you carried yourself and handled situation. It would be interesting to see what would happen if you were ever to get into a tough one. 

Soon, he would be able to see that, and much more in you than he had imagined. 

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