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"Field trip forms are due tomorrow," Ms. Bustier informed us. "If you haven't turned them in yet, tomorrow's your last day."

I could see Alya eye me. "I know you haven't turned it in yet,"

"but how?"

"It's obvious, you're Marinette."

I nudged her with my elbow and both of us continued to put our focus on what the teacher was saying. "As some of you may have heard, the tents are gender neutral. Tent partners are not assigned, so feel free to choose who you stay with by choice. The only rule with tents are the obvious, and some other things we will state when the time comes." The class nodded.

"You must bring your own sleeping bags and cash. We will be staying at the campsite for four whole days. Yes, there will be a curfew and such things. Does anyone have any questions?" each student was shaking their heads while Ms. Bustier nodded. "If anyone brought their field trip forms today, please come up and hand them in now."

A couple people made may to the front of the class, while me, Adrien, Alya and Nino stayed put. "When'd you guys turn them in?" she asked, and Nino announced he had before this weekend. "Actually, I haven't turned it in yet.." Adrien admitted, which left us in slight shock. "God, you're just like Marinette," Alya laughed at us but I stayed still. My face was burning, again.

"So Adrien, who are you sharing a tent with? Because I was thinking us four could!" Alya stopped laughing and looked at him. I of course, was frozen. Yes, still burning and red. "Sure, that sounds fun," he smiled at us.
"Adrien and Marinette, I still don't have your field trip forms," Ms. Bustier looked through all the papers and noticed. "Yeah, I'll have mine in tomorrow."

"Me too,"

"Remember, the field trip takes place May 20th, right near the end of the school year. That's less than two weeks from now," we nodded. I could tell she was about to say more, but the bell rang and interrupted the discussion. "We'll talk about it more tomorrow," and with that, every student was shuffling out of the door.

"Adrien, you coming to lunch with us today?" he nodded and Alya smiled. "Today's your lucky day," she whispered, leaning into my ear. The amount of times I've blushed today is something I've lost count of.

"I have cold lunch, so I'm going to get seated right away," the green eyed model told us before getting seated by a nearby table. "I'll save a spot for you guys,"

We thanked him and began to grab our lunches. "So are you excited or not?" Alya asked me, as she tossed a bag of chips onto her tray and moved ahead slowly. "I think?" I questioned myself. I too grabbed a bag of chips and followed behind her as she walked back to our table. I couldn't see anything other than Alya's back in front of me. "Hey Lila. You sitting with us today?" I heard Alya speak. I leaned to get a view of who was there, though I already knew who it was.

"Yeah, I hope it's not a problem," she pouted, and I scrunched up my nose as I looked. I could hear Adrien grunt as she began to latch onto his arm from beside him, and so I did what anyone would do and sat on the other side of the blond. She was sitting on his left side, so I got seated on the right. She grinned as I stared. She didn't hesitate to look me in the eye, nor mess with my feelings. "Lila, if Adrien doesn't want you touching him, maybe you should respect his personal space."

Alya looked at me strangely and slowly sat down next to me. The anger boiled boiled inside me as I knew EXACTLY what she was doing. "How are you to know he doesn't want me touching him?" She bit back. "It's just a friendly gesture, right Adrien?"

But I knew Adrien well enough to know his next move. "Lila, I'd actually appreciate if you didn't touch me. I'm trying to eat," he gently pulled his arm away. I smiled as I watched her once face of mischief turn into disbelief. She quickly got up and stormed off, careful not to show she wasn't too much of a brat over the small situation.

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